Monday, July 24, 2006

Seriously, what's the point?

To save my own life, I cannot figure out the appeal of "beauty" pageants...

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Forty minutes into her reign as Miss Universe, Miss Puerto Rico Zuleyka Rivera Mendoza collapsed during a post-pageant news conference and was rushed offstage on Sunday night.
Pageant officials immediately said the lithe 5-foot-9 18-year-old was all right and had fainted.
"She's OK. She's fine," pageant representative Lark Anton told Reuters. "She got dizzy. Its very hot up here. Her dress is tight - as you could see it was beaded and heavy. She passed out."

If you are so starved of life-sustaining nutrients that your waifish frame cannot even hold up a skimpy dress...perhaps you should consider mixing in a sandwich or two between practicing your "talent" and taping your boobs.

What is the message anyway, that pageant competition sends to young girls?

Answer: that you are only as valuable as you are appealing to men. I'm no feminist, and I support women doing anything they want to, including ridiculous pageants but, if I had a daughter there would be none of this pageant nonsense.

"But Ed", you argue, "there are scholarships to be had, girls can land lucrative modelling contracts. It doesn't matter if they have to objectify themselves to leering men."

There are lots better ways of getting scholarships than parading around in skimpy swimsuits and high-heels looking like hookers. Try studying. And starving yourself to the point of fainting is just idiotic.


  1. Ed: How can you lack any chauvanistic thoughts? These girls are HOT !!!!!! We need more beauty pagents, some need to be on HBO so revealing clothing can be worn, or not. We need to promote the arts or they will die. Besides Hillary is entered in the Horse Mouth Contest. I can't wait to see her in a swim suit. Imagine how long her answer on Gloval Warming will be.

  2. Joe, there is a difference between the simple appreciation of looking at a pretty woman, and concocting a beauty competition which pretends to be about self-fulfilment, achievment, and empowerment. If it's really about that stuff, why the skimpy swimsuit with high-heels and clingy evening gowns? There's nothing in the world wrong with either of those things and I can appreciate them at face value but don't be deluded into thiniking pageants are about anything but leering at hot women who aren't smart enough to know they're being leered at.

    Hooters offers scholarships to it's girls...why not get a scholarship that way rather than pretend it's about "talent". The competition is based on men's judgement of your looks either way.

    Actually, now that I've thought about it, let me correct myself. Hooters girls can get scholarships regardless of talent. So in a very real sense, Hooters girls are more honest in their pursuits than pageant contestants.

    Ok, all you pageant contestants out there...let me have it.

  3. Ed: I love Hooters girls, and think they help give men a controled environment to work out our limited leering techniques. Too often the average male is scoffed at or browbeaten by women as we gaze lustfully at the specimen in front of us. I think there should be time in life when all girls are subject to either an assignment at Hooters or to answer the inane questions posed in a beauty pageant. Regardless I get to see the beauty and art of God's creation - at its finest. I still think that if the contest were on Cinemax at 10pm, it would get a better Nielsen.

  4. Yes, the pretense of pageant respectability that cheapens what would be an otherwise rolicking good time ogling babes, should be abandoned and just have the competition for what it is...get rid of the talent, evening gown and interview segments, and throw in these competitions: the fending-off-cheezy-pickup-lines competition, the limbo-in-high-heels competition, and the ever popular guess-my-natural-hair-color-competition.

  5. Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
