Monday, July 24, 2006

the payoff...

Finally, after two weeks of operations, it looks like the IDF has secured from Hamas in Gaza, in theory at least, the release of Gilad Shalit, the soldier whose kidnapping started all this...

Gaza groups ready to deal on cease-fire, release of Shalit
By Avi Issacharoff, Haaretz Correspondent
All groups in Gaza, including Hamas, would now accept a cease-fire deal with Israel which would include releasing Gilad Shalit, according to the Palestinian Agriculture Minister, who also heads the coordinating committee of Palestinian organizations there. Ibrahim Al-Naja said the factions were ready to stop the Qassam rocket fire if Israel's ceased all military moves against the Palestinian factions in Gaza. They are also ready to release Shalit in exchange for guaranteeing the future release of Palestinian prisoners.

See, you cannot deal diplomatically or rhetorically with terrorists like Hamas. Israel, finally, took the fight to Hamas in Gaza and appears to have gotten a committment from Hamas to release Shalit. This never would have happened with a spineless, UN-centric Democrat as president. Kerry, Clinton, Carter, or Gore...each of those guys would have or did, attempt diplomacy to get Israel to stop killing Palestinian terrorists. It worked for about two weeks, then the suicide bombings of Israeli civilians started all over again each and every time. I think Israel has finally had enough and will not stop the incursions into Lebanon until they are convinced Hezbollah has been rooted out or has been at least pushed so far North that their Kaytusha rockets cannot strike Israel.

I think Isreal should continue to take the fight to Hezbollah and Hamas until they feel they are safe from suicide bombings and rocket lobbing and force all the Arab nations in the region to take sides.

Every terrorist that Israel kills is one less terrorist we have to kill.


  1. Here are some links that I believe will be interested

  2. I like it! Good job. Go on.

  3. Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
