Friday, July 21, 2006

Parenting 101...from Hillary Clinton...ugh!

This is just the beginning, but watch out for Hillary Clinton pandering to every perceived conservative or mainstream group and cause with whom she can land a speaking gig leading up to '08...

Hil frets chips will be put in kids' brains
- Madison Ave. ad execs are so bent on taking control of America's children, they'd put computer chips in kids' brains if they could, Sen. Hillary Clinton said yesterday.
Saying advertisers have found so many new ways to get at kids through video games and the Internet, Clinton warned that we're verging on a society out of a grim science fiction novel.

"At the rate that technology is advancing, people will be implanting chips in our children to advertise directly into their brains and tell them what kind of products to buy," Clinton said at the Kaiser Family Foundation.

"People are spending billions and billions of dollars enticing children basically to be obsessed with food," she said. "These foods are almost universally unhealthy." Clinton has offered legislation to study the effects of the "advertising-saturated, media-intense" world on kids.
Robert Thompson, a professor of pop culture at Syracuse University, said Clinton and other politicians like to attack advertising because it's easier than trying to ban bad food products or fund broad education programs.
"To go after advertising really makes no sense," he said. "It's sort of a backdoor tack, but it's the safer one politically."

Here's the standard liberal playbook of how to speak to a group of voters in a family organization: 1. Scare them by describing an imaginary threat to their children. 2. Coax them into believing you are on their side by feigning outrage at the perceived threat. 3. When they are sufficiently scared and clearly clamoring for a solution, tell them you will champion their cause with new government regulations designed to protect their children.

Typical of liberal dogma regarding parenting, never once is there uttered the phrase "parental responsibility".
In keeping with her transparently socialist book "It Takes a Villiage", which she had ghost written, it is her intention to have the government responsible for taking care of your kids. I don't ever remember her suggesting that parents simply turn off the computer, television and playstation.

If it were me speaking to a family group about childhood nutrition, I would say, "What are you people, idiots? When your bratty kids demand another twinkie...just say NO."

Another practical solution is just don't buy unhealthy food and keep it at home. When the kid asks for chocolate frosted sugar bombs for breakfast, tell them to shut-up and eat their oat-meal. Oh, I forgot, it might damage the childs self-esteem to be told NO...can't have that. All this angst over nutrition would be moot if parents would kick their kids out of the house in the mornings, and not let them back in until dinner...they can have a peanut butter sandwich on the porch for lunch. This way they have to be active in order to entertain themselves...then they can have all the junk food in the world and it won't hurt them.

Bottom line with Hillary or any other liberal for that matter: more government is good. The fewer freedoms we have as Americans, the better the liberals believe the world will be. Ordinary Americans aren't wise enough to make decisions for ourselves so the government, with Hillary in charge of course, will make our decisions for us.

I can't begin to describe the nausea that overtakes me when I imagine her as President.


  1. Damn! Her picture is enought to turn my stomach. Thank goodness I'm a fast scroller otherwise I might have missed the commentary.

  2. I cannot imagine having to look at that image day after day for 4 maybe 8 years, telling me I'm not capable of making the correct decisions in my life and that the government, run by her, knows best.

  3. Hillary can't even be a good mother to her child. Just a few years ago, the former first daughter was carried from an Oxford night club as she was unable to walk, having had to much to drink. She was in school at the time in England, (following Dad's footsteps - I guess that means she will be "not" having oral with Monica soon) and did a wonderful job of keeping up the good name of the USA. The Euro press had a field day with her.
    Sorry, digression aside, Hillary is the last person for any self respecting American to accept family advise from. Her husband cheated on her, but she wouldn't pull the "D" trigger, 'cause she had to much power. Now, she has turned gay and I'm supposed to listen to her. Tell the senator from New York, to keep her liberal mouth shut and to keep her Colonel Sanders body( 2 small breasts and 2 big thighs) in upstate NY where it belongs. The rest of the country doesn't want anything to do with her or her opinions.
    I wonder who will see the benefit out the proposed study on food? Not us. More than likely, we will just line some Hillary Donor's pocket.She is scary - just look at her and you will forget all about Katie... what's her name, ...the CBS chick... I don't remeber... Oh well I'm nauseated from this picture as is so I'm moving on

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  5. Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

  6. I like it! Good job. Go on.
