Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Kofi Annan is a meathead!

What an idiot...

"I am shocked and deeply distressed by the apparently deliberate targeting by Israeli Defence Forces of a UN Observer post in southern Lebanon,'' Annan said in a statement.

"I call on the government of Israel to conduct a full investigation into this very disturbing incident and demand that any further attack on UN positions and personnel must stop,'' Annan said in the statement.

Israel's UN Ambassador Dan Gillerman expressed his "deep regret'' for the deaths but denied Israel hit the post intentionally.

Then Gillerman, obviously annoyed by Annan, had this sarcastic observation for Kofi.

"I am shocked and deeply distressed by the hasty statement of the Secretary General, insinuating that Israel has deliberately targeted the UN post,'' he said, calling the assertions "premature and erroneous''.

There is absolutely no conceivable reason for Israel to bomb a UN outpost in Lebanon. Put aside for a minute that fact the majority of UN represented countries are anti-Israel and that the UN is impotent in pretty much all matters in which it sticks it's nose, what would Israel have to gain from killing UN personnel?

That the UN blue hats are incompetent and corrupt begs the question: why is the US continuing to host and underwrite such a vile, crooked, and useless institution whose agenda is opposed at almost every turn to what is in the best interests of the US?


  1. More than a few people have suggested that it's time the UN move to Brussels where the citizenry are more UN-minded. Let the Europeans pay the overhead for the extravagant lifestyles of the corrupt UN personnel.

    Just think, no more unpunished criminal behavior under the protection of diplomatic immunity. No more taxpayer-subsidized protection service for diplomats from places like Gabon or somewhere who want to feel important.

    Better yet, let's just get out of the UN altogether. What does it pay for us to belong?

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