Sunday, July 30, 2006

It turns out they're litter-bugs too...

As if illegal aliens didn't cause enough trouble already...

After three years of cleanups, the federal government has achieved no better than a 1 percent solution for the problem of trash left in Southern Arizona by illegal border-crossers.
Cleanup crews from various agencies, volunteer groups and the Tohono O'odham Nation hauled about 250,000 pounds of trash from thousands of acres of federal, state and private land across Southern Arizona in 2002 to 2005, says the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.
But that's only a fraction of the nearly 25 million pounds of trash thought to be out there.
Authorities estimate the 3.2 million-plus entrants caught by the Border Patrol dropped that much garbage in the Southern Arizona desert from July 1999 through June 2005. The figure assumes that each illegal entrant discards 8 pounds of trash, the weight of some abandoned backpacks found in the desert.
The trash is piling up faster than it can be cleaned up. Considering that the Border Patrol apprehended more than 577,000 entrants in 2004-05 alone, the BLM figures that those people left almost 4 million pounds of trash in that same year.
That's 16 times what was picked up in three years. And that doesn't include the unknown amounts of garbage left by border-crossers who don't get caught.
Diverse trash found all over
"We're keeping up with the trash only in certain locations, in areas that we've hit as many as three times," said Shela McFarlin, BLM's special assistant for international programs.
The trash includes water bottles, sweaters, jeans, razors, soap, medications, food, ropes, batteries, cell phones, radios, homemade weapons and human waste.

It's bad enough that illegal aliens are depressing wages, draining public tax coffers, over-burdening medical services, refusing to assimilate, and committing crimes, now we can add living like filthy pigs as they dump their trash as they sneak into the country. It's not surprising that a population of law-breakers who have no respect for the laws of the country into which they are sneaking, would have no respect for nature as well.

These people aren't coming here to realize the American dream, they're here to exploit the kindness and blind generosity of the American people, and take the system for all it's worth. As long as politicians see these degenerate law-breakers as future voters, they will gladly look the other way so as not to alienate pun intended.

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