Sunday, July 30, 2006

Israel says, "No thanks" to a cease fire...

The Israeli's are pretty much fed up with useless ceasefires which allow the terrorists of Hezbollah and Hamas to re-arm, re-man, and re-structure their terrorist apparati...

Ehud Olmert: Israel Not Ready for Cease-Fire
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Sunday that Israel would not rush into a cease-fire in southern Lebanon until it achieves its goals there.
"I think it needs to be clear that Israel is not in a hurry to have a cease-fire before we reach a situation in which we can say that we achieved the central goals that we set down for ourselves," Olmert said before Israel's weekly Cabinet meeting. "This requires a ripening of the diplomatic process and a specific agreement regarding the formation of the force that will operate from the areas from which Israel was threatened in this period."

Basically it's like this, every time Hamas or Hezbollah starts something with Israel, and Israel promptly starts to kick the crap out of them, everybody at the UN wails about peace-talks, land for peace deals, cease fires and expect the U.S. to use shuttle diplomacy to broker a settlement that will stop the violence and death. Well Israel comes out on the short end of that particular stick each and every time and they're sick of it. They're sick of Katyusha rockets terrorizing their civilian population in Northern Israel, they're sick of suicide bombers attacking civilian buses and restaurants, they're sick of military incursions into Israel to kill military personnel, and they're sick of the U.N., African nations, most of Europe especially France siding with the terrorists and blaming Israel for the deaths of Palestinians. We've seen dozens of instances in the last two weeks of Hezbollah cowards hiding behind U.N. buildings, civilian shelters, and other non-military sites from which they can fire their rockets and flee.

Finally, Israel is saying to the rest of the world, "We will handle our business first. Then when our people are safe in their beds from the terrorists, and the enemy has been destroyed, or at least in bad enough shape that they don't want to come back for more, then we will discuss a possible cease fire...but not before."

Not a single cease fire in the middle-east has led to peace...not once has it ever happened. It only gave the terrorists breathing room. As difficult as it is to watch the destruction on Lebanon, the Israeli's must defeat Hezbollah once and for all for there to be any chance of a lasting peace.



  2. GL, you sound suspiciously like a pageant contestant. How do you look in a bikini and high-heels?
