Tuesday, July 18, 2006

If all American news consumers are as dumb as CBS viewers are, there is no hope...

One would think that after the National Guard document scandal with Dan Rather, CBS News would at least attempt to start covering world events in a more even-handed manner, if for no other reason than to try to gain some credibility for their network when it comes to serious news. Now they've hired Katie Couric to read the news and from her listening tour she has "learned" the following...

I borrowed this from Mary Katherine Ham over at Townhall.com...

Viewers told her they want more perspective and "a better understanding of the ramifications of the news," she says. "I got the distinct sense they want us to go a little bit deeper" with historical background and "how is this relevant to their lives.

More perspective? Relevancy to their lives? Freighteningly, this puts Katie in the direct position of telling Americans exactly how they should feel about the story she just gave them. CBS undoubtedly will be not only reporting the news, they'll be advising the dumbed-down, public school graduates who will be watching how to feeeeel about it as well. The Perky One continued...

(And) we heard from many people the news is just too depressing. Obviously, we can't sugar-coat what's going on, but there are cases where we can be more solution-oriented."

Some Americans are just a bunch of sheep, they want to be led, to be taken care of. They don't want to think about what they've heard and come to their own conclusions, they want to be told what is the correct way to think about a particular story.

Have self-reliant Americans become so soft and devoid of self-confidence that we would abdicate to a news organization the responsibility of giving to us the solutions to our problems? How pitifully hopeless, and depressing it will be for those Americans who will sit on the edges of their couches every night, clutching pillows and listening breathlessly to Katie's doom and gloom stories about war in the middle east, the environment, the economy, and the evil Bush administration...and then eagerly look to her for the solutions.

What a bleak, pathetic picture Katie paints of the American news watcher. Then there was this puzzler of a statement...

Some thought the media portrayed a "polarizing of the country that they don't see," thought TV news "abdicated its role, really talking about facts and information rather than points of view," and want "more thinking, less spewing."

Anybody who doesn't see a polarization of the country has been living under a rock and isn't qualified to even make a statement about the political environment in America. Seriously, do these people to whom Katie refers actually want more points of view rather than facts and information? Facts and information is the news! Idiots!

It sounds like Katie's viewers want more thinking, just not done by them. Katie's viewers want her to do the thinking for them and then advise them on the conclusions they should have. I realize Katie's influence is the result of an embarassing cult of personality on the part of her fans, not because she's a stellar journalist, but that people obviously want to be led by the nose, rather than think and decide for themselves, has larger implications for the country.

Ceding responsibility for analytical thought to others and desiring softened, regurgitated, more pleasant versions of information portend a sad decline for American society...a decline leading to intellectual weakness, the deterioration of individualism, the inability to draw conclusions or make hard decisions, and the unwillingness to take actions because of dwindling self confidence.

Make no mistake...this is exactly how liberals want the population to be. An intellectually dependent population is an easily controlled population.


  1. I do not mind seeing the news from Katie, but hearing it is another matter. Regardless I think she is a hottie. The only reason I watched tv weekday mornings was to see katie. Thus I will watch the CBS nightly news and think about me a Katie sitting in a tree...

  2. The only problem with that is she'll be sitting behind a news desk, not lounging on an interview couch showing off her hottie legs in mini-skirts and 4inch stilettos as you are used to seeing her.

  3. The girls on Fox News are more babalicious!

  4. The Green Lantern Said.....

    CNN, ABC, CBS and etc. only report the real news. Katie is a great role model for all young women in this great motherland. I look forward to the day that all of these networks put great Americans such as her to on to inspire our young women.

  5. Note to the Green Lantern:

    Get off the feminist thing -it don't play here. We all know she is good at what she does (read and smile all while looking pretty and perky, with great legs and short skirts). (oh sorry I digressed). She would not be where she is without being good, but come on "a great American" . Are you kidding me? She's nowhere close to great American status. We literally must leapfrog through thousands of militray, judicial and political people to get to Katie. Heck even Dan Rather would most likely be ahead of her in voting. She does'nt even make the runoff. To put it in simple terms She will be voted off the Great Americam island show early!
    By the way she looks great did I say that?

  6. I think it's time for another colonoscopy.

  7. I'm convinced Katie and Bob Costas are one in the same - you never see them at the same time. Sorry to ruin your fantasy guys.

  8. David: You never see Jesse Jackson and Angela Bassett at the same time either, but I'm not confused over whom I am looking at. Get your eyes checked partner.

  9. I wonder what she would look like in the Ms. Puerto Rico dress Now theres something for your imagination
