Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I say leave 'em there...

Here we see the deplorable, inhuman conditions Americans are forced to endure to escape war-torn taxpayer expense of course.

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Americans wiped away tears, hugged relatives and grumbled about evacuation delays Wednesday before boarding a luxury ship that was to carry them from war-torn Lebanon. Many expressed frustration that it had taken the U.S. government so long to get them out of Lebanon while Europeans and Lebanese with foreign passports already have fled by the thousands.
"I can't believe the Americans," Danni Atiyeh, a 39-year-old civil engineer from Kansas City, Mo., said as he stood with his pregnant wife and sons Ali, 10, and Adrian, 6, while waiting for buses that were taking them to the ship. "Everybody else has gone home ... We're still here."

After criticism from Congress, the State Department said it dropped plans to ask Americans to pay for their rides on commercial vessels. Earlier, authorities planned to make Americans sign a note pledging to reimburse the U.S. government the price of a commercial flight from Beirut to Cyprus - usually $150-$200.

Look, this isn't Cozumel. Nobody told them to vacation in one of the world's most dangerous places for Americans. Nobody told them to ignore a dire State Department travel advisory for Americans thinking of a holiday in Beirut. Now they have the nerve to complain that the U.S. government(translated: their fellow taxpayers) hasn't come to fetch them fast enough and save their stupid rear ends from kidnapping and possible death. What did they expect? What kind of idiot holidays in Beirut? And if that weren't shameful enough, they resent the idea of having to pay for their trip on a luxury boat to Cyprus. They absolutely should have to reimburse the taxpayers for the trouble of rescuing them from a country they had no business going to in the first place. Were they not paying for their trip home anyway? Look at these idiots tanning and drinking bottled water or maybe beer while they await departure to Cyprus...looks real uncomfortable!

When an ambulance has to come rescue you for whatever reason, you have to pay for it. Why should these idiots not have to pay to be rescued?


  1. what makes you all think that it was a luxury liner. i have a friend whose family was trapped over there and gave a first hand account of their departure. they were rafted out to the ship via a rubber lifeboat after waiting on shore for many hours and stood...STOOD on this "luxury liner" for 10 hours to make the short journey to Cyprus while military helicopters flew overhead. there was no food on board and i doubt there was entertainment, dancing, an all-you-can-eat buffet or adult beverages. what exactly is the luxury part of their trip you morons?

  2. Morons? Ouch!

    I'm not saying it was a pleasant departure for all those Americans wishing to leave but to go to a place where the State department has issued travel warnings were not exactly the wisest of trips to take. If they had family there, why not ask the family to meet them in say...Cyprus? Why go to a violent country where war may break out any minute. Couldn't they have waited for a month or two?

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