Monday, July 17, 2006

Global warming is upon us...and it's all Bush's fault...

You just know Al Gore is loving every minute of this heat wave we're in. But then Democrats have always relied on the misery of Americans as a source of political power. Check out these dire sounding headlines from Drudge today...

Britain set to sizzle in hottest temperatures ever...

120 degrees in South Dakota?

Heat Wave Broils Much of Nation

N. America avoids blackouts amid record power use

11,000 Without Power in Yonkers

I can't tell if this is Al Gore in the screen shot from his pretend documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, or an actor playing him, but either way...loose the Members Only jacket, the greaseball coif, and the tight jeans, tough boy pose...what a goob!


  1. Nice job Reid. Excellent take. Pithy and're setting a tough standard for yourself to maintain.

  2. The Green Lantern Said....

    Global is a fact. Please realize we must take a stand with Al wether you are a Demo or Repo.

  3. Global is a fact. This world has been a globe since its creation. Global warming is not a fact. I'm sure many factors result in the current temperature situation that exists, but I am not ready to throw away my winter clothing just yet.
    I guess if we all go to the hybrid car, stop all factories from poluting, and eliminate air travel, then the ozone layer will expand; coupled with the better air quality of the world, the temperature will drop back and cool us off.
    What we need is some rain. We need it regularly and for more than 5 minutes at a pop. That would cool us off alittle and my yard wouldn't look so bad; I could pay the water works board less, and might have some extra money to look at a hybrid car. See how it all fits together so nicely.

  4. Excellent reasoning get a cookie.

    The fact is that the measurable change in global temperature is like 1 degree Centigrade over 100 years. Seriously, is that not below the resolution parameters of the measuring instruments?

    I mean, isn't that a bit like measuring the width of a human hair using a yardstick?

    And what about the benefits of global warming? Just to name one...crops may be grown at higher latitudes, crops that can help feed the ever-increasing population of the globe...the increasing population that is accelerating the warming of the atmosphere at higher latitudes.

    Hey, this circle of life thing not only dispels the myth of global warming, it's fun too.
