Friday, June 09, 2006

You'd think Liberals would learn

I grabbed this off

Commentator Ann Coulter's incendiary words about outspoken 9/11 widows have led two state lawmakers to calls for a boycott of her book in the widows' home state of New Jersey.

Assemblywomen Joan M. Quigley, D-Hudson, and Linda Stender, D-Union, on Thursday called on New Jerseyans to stop buying the book, "Godless: The Church of Liberalism,'' and for retailers in the state to stop selling it.

How many time have we seen a group of people getting all ginned up over the release of a controversial movie or book? All they are doing by calling for a boycott is drawing lots of attention to that thing where there would otherwise have been little.

That was the case for Mel Gibson's movie Passion. It was true for The DaVinci Code. And it's true for Godless.

Watch, book sales for Godless will dramatically increase as a direct result of this call for a boycott....Idiots!!!

I know I can't wait to get my copy, but not because of the controversey...I think she's right!


  1. I think that she is HOT. Who cares about her political ideology. I think that she deserves to spend at least 1 day with me. I'm sure there are many things she can teach me - I migt even get around to asking about politics, economics, etc.

  2. I think she's hot precisely because of her ideology. She wouldn't be nearly as attractive if she were a raving liberal.
