Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Two wars on two fronts...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has moved its ground-based interceptor missile defense system from test mode to operational amid concerns over an expected North Korean missile launch, a U.S. defense official said on Tuesday. The Pentagon and State Department have said a North Korean missile launch would be seen as "provocative."

Apparently, the pathological lunatic Kim Jong Il is prepared to incur the wrath of the most devastatingly powerful military in the history of the world.

Surely he won't even fly an ICBM over Japan (as he did 8 years ago), much less direct one in the general direction of the U.S., it's territories in the Pacific, or it's assets (ships) in that area of the Pacific Ocean.

I'm unfamiliar with diplomatic jargon but from what I've read, the term "provocative" is pretty strong and will illicit some action (though probably not direct military action) on the part of the U.S., if our sovereign territory or that of our allies is threatened...even if the fruitcake Jong Il says it's just a test.

If anybody out there has a good grasp for this situation and can shed some light on what might happen, if anything, I'd appreciate hearing your take.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how much could be achieved with just a well-placed, precision team of SEALS the next time this dog-grilling, man-child freak steps foot near one of his borders?

    I have to believe that the people of N.K. want desparately to, I don't know...eat, smile, make an international phone call, browse the WWW, or see a cousin from the South. Surely that could be accomplished if we could figure out a way to rid the world of Kim Jong Il.

    I know there are international rules as well as a U.S. prohibition of assissination(thanks to whining Socialist-loving, pinko liberals) but come on. You know Special Force Recon has a shooters who could put one between his eyes from 3000 yards, in a dusty cross-wind, from a moving vehicle with bad shocks on a bumpy road......at night.

    Let that guy earn his $1200 per month plus hazardous duty pay and do the world a favor.
