Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Is it not a free country anymore?

I grabbed this from the Philadelphia Enquirer...

One of South Philadelphia's biggest names in cheesesteaks is in a bit of a legal pickle for a lunch-line political statement against immigrants who don't speak English.
The city's Commission on Human Relations yesterday filed a discrimination complaint against Geno's Steaks over signs that read: "This is AMERICA ... WHEN ORDERING SPEAK ENGLISH."

The Commission on Human Relations said it would insist on removal of a "Speak English" sign at the cheesesteak shop.

First of all, the sign doesn't specifically single out immigrants...it's aimed at anybody who comes in and orders in a language other than English. The goober who wrote this article made an assumption based on his own opinions of the current issues swirling around illegal immigration. To the typical, pointy-headed liberal, if you are pro-business--you are anti-environment, if you are pro-marriage--then you are a homophobe, if you dislike rap music--then you are a bigot. Likewise, anybody who is pro-English language is automatically villified as being anti-immigrant.

Secondly, the first amendment guarantees owner Joey Vento's right to put up a sign in his establishment that says anything he wants as long as it isn't overtly defamatory or profane, doesn't incite rioting or violence, or, apparently, isn't in disagreement with liberal's open-borders world view.

Lastly, when you go to France or any other non-English speaking country for that matter, they don't provide Americans with English menus, maps, road signs, magazines, or anything. You either learn to order in that language or you point stupidly and eat whatever they bring you and hope they didn't spit in it. Maybe Geno's has so much lunch business, Joey and his employees don't have time to try to figure out what somebody wants for lunch who can't read the menu.

Having said that, if people are put off by Geno's Speak English sign, they will stop eating there, and he will see the wisdom of taking it down. Otherwise it's his restaurant and his business to run, whether or not it conforms to liberal's thin-skinned concept of tolerance.

The Commission on Human Relations can go dunk their pointy-heads.

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