Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Go Israel!!!

These Palestinians are just stupid enough to think they can mess with the Isrealis and get away with it...

Israel kept up the pressure on Palestinian militants to release a captive Israeli soldier Wednesday, sending its warplanes to bomb a Hamas training camp after knocking out electricity and water supplies for most of the 1.3 million residents of the Gaza Strip. "We won't hesitate to carry out extreme action to bring Gilad back to his family," Olmert said. "All the military activity that started overnight will continue in the coming days." "We do not intend to occupy Gaza. We have one objective, and that is to bring Gilad home."

Let's see, you're out of water, electricity, and soon probably food, and the only route of escape, a bridge, was just blown up by your enemy, you've been trapped in yoiur own tiny plot of land like so many fenced pigs awaiting slaughter, and you're thirsty, dirty, hungry, and it's dark, but your government, such as it is, insists on keeping captive one Isreali soldier to use as a bargaining tool? Seems to me Israel isn't in the bargaining mood just now. It seems to be in the butt-kicking mood. I would not want to be a Palestinian trying to eek out a life in Gaza for lots of reasons but expecially not now. Olmert doesn't intend to occupy Gaza because there'll be nothing left to occupy but a large catbox if they don't give that kid back.

Then as if Israel didn't already have the upper hand they decided to play this card...

Isreali warplanes buzzed the summer residence of Syrian President Bashar Assad early Wednesday, military officials said, in a message aimed at pressuring the Syrian leader to win the release of a captured Israeli soldier.

If Assad didn't wet his bed when the F-16's buzzed his house, he has remarkable control because that would be scary. He probably should think about doing something to end this situation or his summer house might end up being on the business end of a 500lb, laser-guided, precision ordinance. The thought of that alone should focus his mind on the task at hand...exactly what the Israelis had in mind I'll bet.

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