Thursday, June 29, 2006

Cheaters never win...

Would you buy a used car from either one of these guys? What's that you say...No? Well there's probably a good reason...

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - Former Gov. Don Siegelman and former HealthSouth chief executive Richard Scrushy were convicted Thursday in a bribery scheme that derailed Siegelman's campaign to retake his former office.

Scrushy, who once ran the Birmingham-based rehabilitation chain, was accused of arranging $500,000 in donations to Siegelman's campaign for a state lottery in exchange for a seat on a state hospital regulatory board.

The most serious of the charges are punishable by up to 20 years in prison and $250,000 in fines.

Scrushy remains a defendant in major civil cases involving allegations of a $2.7 billion accounting scam at the rehabilitation chain he once ran.

Well, well...score one for justice. When the CEO of a major hospital gets a seat on the state hospital oversight board...something is amiss. Who do we think we are here in Alabama...Louisiana?

Srushy's wife is dancing a jig tonight. Soon she'll have it all to herself...the city house, the lake house, and the beach house, the boats, the off-shore account access, the blinged-out Escalade...and nobody to have to share it with. I guess getting pregnant during this trial, to tug at the heart strings of the jury, wasn't an option like it was for the first trial.

I'll bet the new Board at HealthSouth is glad to finally be on the road to putting this guy behind them so they can get back to the business of making money for the stockholders...legally.

1 comment:

  1. I noticed Leslie smiling like a Cheshire cat, as she always does when her hub is fighting for his life, as they left the courthouse.

    One wonders though, if she's smiling to keep up a positive appearance for the media (she used to be a public relations or HR guru at HealthSouth, and would be good at that sort of thing), or is that she just can't help it, thinking about all that money that will soon be hers...and hers alone.
