Monday, May 29, 2006

high maintenance gal...

Every body knows that Barry Bonds hit #715 this weekend but what's funny is the guy who eventually ended up with the ball...

Fox Sports -- The souvenir sat there for a few minutes before rolling off the roof and into the hands of 38-year-old San Francisco resident Andrew Morbitzer, who was waiting for a beer and peanuts. He was quickly ushered away by security.

I know this guy surely loves his fiancee' but it's a bit much for her to have asked him to fetch beer and peanuts during a Bonds at bat. She couldn't wait like 5 minutes? Ever since #714, every at bat could be the historic guy in his right mind would go stand in the concession line and risk missing it...except one engaged to an incredibly high maintenance princess.


  1. Maybe this "high maintenance gal" is smarter than you give her credit for. Maybe she knew that the big #715 was about to be hit and she sent her fiance out for beer and peanuts on the outside chance that SHE may catch the winning ball, sell it on ebay for millions, and dump the putz that would get up in the middle of a very important moment in baseball. history.

  2. I think you might give her a tad too much credit for foresightedness...then again, women of the opposite sex have been known occasionally, to be quite canniving, scheming, and manipulative to get what they want.

    I guess the guy's lucky it rolled to his feet in the beer line because he's better off not knowing what a back-stabbing shrew he might have married.

    I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that now that he has the ball, she want's to move the wedding date up to like next week.
