Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Have another Big Mac, ay...

You can file this under who cares?

ATLANTA (AP) - You can add Canadians to the list of foreigners who are healthier than Americans. Americans are 42 percent more likely than Canadians to have diabetes, 32 percent more likely to have high blood pressure, and 12 percent more likely to have arthritis, Harvard Medical School researchers found. That is according to a survey in which American and Canadian adults were asked over the telephone about their health.

Personal health is an individual responsibility issue, not an excuse platform from which the government may regulate individual behavior. Besides if as an American, I develop one of these diseases, at least I can get treated in a reasonable amount of time and not worry about dying waiting for a disastrous socialized healthcare behemouth to take care of me.

I sort of pity the Canadians, what with their inferior sports teams, inferior national economy, inferior quality healthcare availability, and a national unwillingness to fight terrorists, alongside the rest of the freedom-loving countries in any significant numbers.

I guess we'll allow them this one token example of superiority...heaven knows they have nothing else to be proud of.

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