Thursday, May 04, 2006

A day without illegals

What would a day without illegal aliens be like?

Look at this guy threatening Americans...with burritos.

Here's what a day without illegals would be like ...from Tom Tancredo - Colorado (R). Bet you won't see this on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC...

No illegals = 20% fewer patients demanding free health care in emergency rooms in the Southwest

No illegals = Denver would have 24% fewer births

No illegals = gang membership drops by 50%

No illegals = child molestation cases in Phoenix drops by 34% and auto theft by 40%

No illegals = Colorado would save $3,000,000 each day due to the reduced use of public services

No illegals = Colorodo's K-12 classrooms would have 131,000 fewer students and the dropout rate would return to the national average

No illegals = the Federal penal system would have 29% fewer inmates to warehouse.

This guy should think twice before threatening Americans by demanding that he be welcomed with open arms by the country from which he no doubt receives so much already. Sure, illegal aliens pay some small amount of taxes. They pay sales taxes, maybe some occassional income taxes, probably using a fake social security ID, a crime in and of itself. Because a vast majority of them are abysmally undereducated, they pay a scant amount of income tax if any, just like regular Americans who are uneducated and therefore hold menial jobs and exist in the tax brackets which have no Federal income tax liability.

Because of the achievment-punishing, progressive income tax structure in this country, the bottom 50% of wage earners only bear 5% of the Federal income tax burdon. According to the U.S. Census Bureau the median individual income in 2006 was about $33,000. Because in general, level of education is indicative of earning potential, the uneducated illegal population falls solidly in the bottom half of wage earners. This means that the vast uneducated class in this country, Americans and illegals alike, only contribute 5% to the tax base. Illegal aliens consume huge amounts of social services from coffers into which they contributed very little if any.

If the illegals want to whine and moan about how they deserve to be citizens because they contribute so much to the American society, show me where all this contribution is. What, they pick lettuce and lay brick? They're getting paid for's not a contribution to the tax base.

Threatening law abiding Americans will only result in a backlash of resentment toward illegals and a resolve to take the difficult but necessary steps to rid this country of the scourge of rampant illegal immigration.

It would not be wise to mistake the weakness of the politicians for appeasement on the part of patriotic Americans. We are more than willing to mow our own lawns, spread our own fertilizer and blow our own leaves. And Mexican food is not that hard to cook anyway.

No illegals means Americans will have to do without certain things but burritos isn't one of them.


  1. Now I must say, burritos are mighty tasty, but with all the money this country would save say if half of the illegal immigrants left, the government could afford to have chefs learn to make burritos. In the same way that that man says we won't get burritos without him, I say he shouldn't get things like healthcare, welfare, and education without showing some type of green card. Heck, the children born in America of aliens shouldn't be considered citizens until their parents can prove they are legal.

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