Thursday, May 04, 2006

Chip off the old block

WASHINGTON (AP) - Rep. Patrick Kennedy crashed his car near the Capitol early Thursday, and a police official said he appeared intoxicated. Kennedy said he had taken sleep medication and a prescription anti-nausea drug that can cause drowsiness.

No way...a Kennedy appearing intoxicated and behind the wheel of a car?

"Some time around 2:45 a.m., I drove the few blocks to the Capitol Complex believing I needed to vote," his second statement said. "Apparently, I was disoriented from the medication."

Disoriented from the rounds of Scotch earlier with the old man is more like it.

Louis P. Cannon, president of the Washington chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police, who was not there, said the officers involved in the accident were instructed by an official "above the rank of patrolman" to take Kennedy home.
No sobriety tests were conducted at the scene.

No field sobriety tests huh? Who would have thought that when busted for DUI, it still pays to be a Kennedy?

Added Kennedy, "Thankfully there were no interns in the car and no troublesome splashes at the end of the evening".


  1. Sounds pretty dumb to me too!!! And this is an elected official. Patrick seems to have gotten all the right genes from the family pool. Who else would take that sort of medicine and hit the road?? Can this coverup be corrected, or will it play out like history and he be given a free ride like the others??

  2. Apparently, anytime the golden halo falls a bit for one of the Kennedy clan, someone is there to hoist it back up. It's sad that in this day, when one glass of wine with dinner (for anyone else) is considered "under the influence", that officers who are charged with upholding the law let this guy slide simply because his last name is Kennedy. When will they realize that if a Kennedy is involved in even the most minor of fender benders, there is usually something more to it than meets the eye.

  3. It looks as though Pat got his jeans from his dad alright. People looked away from Ted's little nighttime drive, but they should definately not look away from this one. Something is definately wrong here, and I don't mean the type of medication Pat was on.

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