Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The blasphemous cartoons of Muhammad

If you haven't seen them already, here are a few of the cartoons that got the Euro-Muslims in such a twit a few months back. The American main stream media, in embarrassing submission to radical terrorists who've threatened them, instructed us to be respectful of Islam by not publishing these cartoons. Sorry, but you don't get your way by threatening violence if your wishes aren't granted.

If we had decided not to publish these cartoons, like the PC, main-stream American press has, because we feared the radicals...then the terrorists have already won.

Seriously, does any one believe that these cartoons caused all the violence anyway? The radical arm of Islam is bent on the conversion to Islam, by invitation or force, of the whole world, and they are always looking for the next flash-point to ignite their Islamic rage at all things Western. These stupid cartoons just served as the most recent flash point...there will be others.

Even though they burned their own cars and destroyed their own neighborhoods, they weren't just a bunch of rabble-rousing malcontents. They were just acting consistently with a larger movement which is in relentless pursuit of the submission of all non-Muslims to Islam. We had better wake up to that fact and stop trying to understand them, trying to make them like us, and using their generations-old, self-created poverty, American imperialism, and unpleasant childhoods as excuses for their anti-social behavior.

If any body out there is still delusional enough to believe that we are dealing with a rational, reasonable foe in radical, fundamental Islam...think again.

You only need to look at the soon-to-be, nuclear-armed madman in Iran to see that we are in for the fight of our lives if we continue down the path of appeasement and touchy-feely, politically correct diplomacy.

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