Thursday, April 13, 2006

Woman fined for putting make-up on at wheel

Woman fined for putting make-up on at wheel – Daily Mail, London

Donna Maddock, 22, from north Wales, was caught on police video putting on her make-up while driving at 32 miles per hour. She was pictured with both hands off the steering wheel while applying eye make-up.

You don’t say? An inexperienced driver applying eye make-up while operating with no hands, a 4,000-pound death box at speed. You never see that!

I don’t know the official stats, but I’ll wager that at least 3 out of every 4 traffic accidents are the result of distracted drivers doing something idiotic while driving. I’ve heard noise about legislation in the works that would outlaw cell phone use, eating, applying makeup, tuning the radio, anything really which might distract the driver. I don’t think man needs to make a law when nature’s law will take care of it. People who are incapable of judging what they can safely do while driving will naturally, over time eliminate themselves from the gene pool…hopefully before they have any stupid kids.

She said she wanted to look her best for a date with a man who has a girlfriend and a child.

Her stupidity has already been established, so why did the reporter feel it necessary to include details about the guy she was going to see? Even in a serious news story, our friends across the pond cannot resist injecting tabloid titillation, no matter how irrelevant, into almost all reports.

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