Thursday, April 13, 2006

Wah! Wah! Wah!

Paraphrased from

Apparently Harrison Ford hates the internet because anyone can spread malicious gossip about him.

Dude, you should feel lucky to have people talking about you at all.

He whined, “Any kind of rubbish goes on the internet and can have a (expletive deleted) life of its own.”

So it’s OK for Bush-hating, Hollywood liberals to post on the internet all kinds of lies about the President and conservatives and hide behind nonsense like “artistic expression” or “the first amendment”, but when it happens to them, Oh my! The sky is falling! It’s not fair…something must be done.

Look, I’ll be the first to point out the failings of President Bush and Republican leadership; they are many. But the shrill, fanaticism, passed-off as serious political thought, coming from the Left in this country is breath-taking.

Just a few quotes from the stone-throwing, self-adoring, Hollywood Left:

Wacky Lib #1 – Alec Baldwin:
“Cheney is a terrorist. He terrorizes our enemies abroad and innocent citizens here at home indiscriminately”

Wacky Lib #2 – Kanye West:
“Bush doesn’t care about black people. He’s sending troops down here to shoot us”

Wacky Lib #3 – Susan Sarandon:
“We stand a chance of getting a president who has probably killed more people before he gets into office than any president in the history of the United States."

Wacky Lib #4 – Jennifer Anniston
"Bush is a (expletive deleted) idiot."

There’s no way prominent conservatives would get passes for posting on the internet stuff like that about Hillary, Kerry, Gore or any Democrat.

To be sure, we conservatives have our share of whack-jobs on our team too (Pat Robertson for one). The difference is that when our nuts say something stupid, we call them on it. When the idiots on the Left say something stupid, Liberals shrug and give them a pass as if what they said was recognized as fact.

The internet may indeed provide a vehicle for distortions and rumor, but it also has a way of exposing hypocrisy and the mirror-loving Lefties who practice it.

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