Thursday, April 13, 2006

Update about the peace activists

This is an update to the story about those three peace activists in Iraq who had to be rescued from throat-slashing, terrorist vermin. Rather than thank their liberators, they vilified American, British and Canadian troops as illegal occupiers. The irony just gets richer…

The co-director of the Christian Peacemakers Teams says the family of freed Christian peace activist James Loney kept his sexual orientation quiet out of fear for his safety.

Doug Pritchard says the family feared Loney might come to harm at the hands of his Iraqi captors had they known he was gay. Pritchard says it likely wouldn’t have helped if Loney’s partner, Dan Hunt, had come forward with public pleas for his release.

Hunt made his first public appearance since Loney’s ordeal began last November when he greeted his partner Sunday at the airport.

So this idiot was over there in sympathy with practitioners of Islam who would gladly slash his throat, precisely because his sexual orientation is an abomination to Islam. How many of these stories do we have to read before we stop calling it the Religion-of-Peace?

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