Sunday, April 30, 2006

Things are not always how they're portrayed

The truth about the face transplant woman

I had missed this part of the story about the French lady who had a face transplant:

Dinoire lost much of her face when she was mauled by her pet Labrador while knocked out from drugs she took to forget a trying week. Her lipless gums and teeth were permanently exposed, and most of her nose was missing.

I’m sorry but just how bad a week do you have to have to take the kind of drugs that knock you out to the point that you don’t notice a dog gnawing off your face? And where were her two kids during all this? What kind of mother self-medicates to the point of general anesthesia in order to forget a bad week? Even the most comatose frat boy would wake from his drunken stupor if an animal was eating him.

At first the story seemed tragic, like the vicious dog had attacked and mauled her. Then we discovered that she refused to stop smoking, even after the transplant…a cardinal sin in medicine apparently. Now we find out that she drugged herself…on purpose.

So she’s a drug addict, an addicted smoker, a miserably reckless parent of two, and apparently she doesn’t feed her dog very often since it decided to munch on her face to tide him over to his next meal. My sympathy level has decreased considerably for this woman.

It’s typical of the media to hide the facts about this case so as to garner as much sympathy and pity for this woman as possible. Heaven forbid anyone be judgmental about her behavior. To the liberal media, there’s no such thing as right and wrong behavior…just excuses for behavior.

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