Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Notebook paper accused of racism

We already heard from something called a "diversity consultant" named Anne O'Connor this week when she suggested that primary school kids be prevented from using white notebook paper because it might distress the black children in the class because it doesn't look like them and because it'll validate the inherent racism in all white kids. Never mind that white paper is used for two reasons: 1-it's cheaper than colored paper, and 2-you can more easily see what you've written or drawn if it's on a white background.

It gets nuttier. She had this to offer regarding what teachers should tell students about their favorite colors....

"Finally, staff should be prepared to be economical with the truth when asked by pupils what their favourite colour is and, in the interests of good race relations, answer “black” or “brown”.

By "economical with the truth", of course she means lie. 

You'd think that black people would be outraged every time some stupid, guilty white do-gooder tries to help them along, because they clearly can't make it on their own, by making blacks seem weak, delicate, and incompetent. Does anybody truthfully think blacks are offended by the existence of white paper?

Soon this will be banned for being inherently racist. Wait, I'm 1/4 Chinese, that must mean that I'm offended by legal pads.


  1. Dear Abby,

    My skin is white. Should I dye it so that I don't distress black, brown, red and/or yellow persons?

    On a related note, I am a male. Should I cut off my johnson so that I don't distress those of the female persuasion?

    Wants to Know,

  2. I would call this a parody if I weren't all too familiar with liberals.

  3. I know Bill, how do these people say these things with a straight face?
