I dedicate this post to my good friend and regular reader "Glen", who bravely carries the water for anti-Zionists everywhere.
Fast on the heels of the
Mossad-shark that Israel sicked on Egypt's beaches to destroy tourism, here's another perfect example of how utterly insane some Arabs are toward Israel. They see Zionist plots around every corner and apparently in the study of wildlife migration too......
DailyMail --
Vulture tagged by Israeli scientists flies into Saudi Arabia ... and is arrested for being a spy
Unbridled insanity is the only phrase I can think of that puts in perspective the idea that the
eeeeevil Joooos are spying on Arab states with sharks and carrion birds....
heh heh.
Yes they hate Israel and they hate us too. We just provide protection for their ruling class and at the same time they fund terriorism around the world and allow a very conservative (harsh)form of Islam to be promoted in their country and around the world. Obama, by restricting oil drilling just puts more fuel on the fire (our money for their oil).
You know what, I am willing to excuse a little paranoia on Egypt's part. They have good reason to be suspicious of God's Chosen People (TM).
June 5, 1967: Israeli committed its biggest, most treacherous and premeditated aggression against Egypt…. After destroying Arab aircraft on the ground in a lightening attack, Israeli forces invaded and occupied the … Egyptian Sinai Peninsula.
In the first days of its aggression and in plain disregard of the truth, Israel fabricated a charge of aggression against its victims and presented it in a dramatic manner to the U.N. Security Council.
That deception now having been discredited, the Israelis now argue that they were not attacked by Egypt, they were IN DANGER of being attacked, and hence they resorted to a pre-emptive strike.
Alan Hart quotes a former Israeli Director of military intelligence as telling him "If Nasser had not given Israel the excuse to attack the Arabs, Israel would have invented a pretext for war within six or ten months" because its military planners had decided that the time had come to knock out vast amounts of Soviet-supplied military equipment.
Yitzhak Rabin, who as chief of staff planned the attack, told Le Monde in February 1968, quite simply: "We knew that Nasser did not intend to attack [Israel]."
(Adapted from "Some Historical Facts", 3-23-02)
Glen, why would Egypt engage in a vast build-up of Soviet ground weaponry unless they fully intended to attack Israel with it? I don't blame Israel for taking out the assets before they could be deployed against her. They didn't need to invent a pretext to go to war, Egypt handed them one on a silver platter.
@Ed "...why would Egypt engage in a vast build-up of Soviet ground weaponry...."
Egypt needed a strong military capability because Israel's long range plans call for the annexation of a large chunk of Egypt.
Those plans may have been delayed but they have not been abandoned. Israel still intends to eject Egyptians from a large swath of their own land, just like they did the Palestinians.
Israel's been around for 50 years and hasn't tried to seize any Egyptian land. If Egypt attacked Israel and Israel won, then it should keep whatever land it conquered....to the victor go the spoils of war and all that.
You keep talking about the Jews taking Palestinian land, but where was the original Israel? Do the Jews not have a claim to their homeland as well? I'm going to post in a minute the original lands of Israel and Palestine, then we can debate to whom the land belongs.
There you go again, Ed, misleading your readers.
Israel occupied the Sinai Peninsula in 1967 and left in 1979 pursuant to the terms of the Camp David accord.
Rabin, revealingly, thought that giving the Peninsula back to the Egyptians was a mistake. According to him, "Israel would have been in a better condition had the Sinai Peninsula remained in its hand without a peace agreement”.
Israel's long range plans continueto call for them to seize parts of Egypt, all of Lebanon and Jordon, and parts of Syria, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait and Saudia Arabia just as soon as they think they can get away with it.
I have no doubt that you will, to your shame, be on the sidelines cheering them on.
Glen, the very week that Israel was created again after WWII, a host of Arab countries attacked it. Israel kicked their asses but take over any countries. There may be some ethereal plans from some obscure biblical text that compels Israel to occupy the whole of the middle east, but I haven't heard about it. Perhaps you can share with me these grand designs Israel has to colonize the middle east.
@Ed "Perhaps you can share with me these grand designs Israel has to colonize the middle east."
You appear to have mistaken me for your research assistant, Ed.
If I had an assistant, I could only hope that he had half the dedication to his agenda that you have.
You made the assertion, back it up.
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