Obama to the middle class during the campaign..."you will not see your taxes go up one single dime."
Wavering on an emphatic promise he made in the spring, top White House economic adviser Lawrence H. Summers would not rule out middle-class tax increases Sunday as a way for the Obama administration to pay for a sweeping health care plan.
The statement, which was echoed by Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner on Sunday's talk shows, pries open a door to the kinds of broad tax increases that Mr. Obama opposed in his campaign and that he and his advisers have ruled out since taking office in January.
What a bunch of braying jack-asses Obama-administration guys are! Obama got elected largely because he promised middle-class idiots that they can have their cake and eat it too because, the evil rich will be paying for everything. Turns out the economic realities aren't so cut and dried. You cannot deliver free, universal health care to a country of 300million on the backs of 1.5million rich people, even if you took every penny they earned.
Obama knew this when he lied about it in the campaign but, to liberals, the seizure of power is the end that justifies whatever means are necessary.
How's that hopeychange working out for you now, middle-class, democrat morons? Every thing's not so great when it's your back Obama is riding to pay for everything, is it? IDIOTS!!!
In all fairness, I actually know quite a few middle class "Republicans" who voted for this butthead, based on this promise.
Me too, and I blame them even more. You expect the mindless, democrat rabble to vote mindlessly but, not conservatives.
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