Tuesday, June 30, 2009
You don't tug on Superman's cape...
You don't tug on Superman's cape
You don't spit into the wind
You don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger.....
And under no circumstances do you Taser a cop with her own Taser....
GREENSBURG, Pa. — A western Pennsylvania university student will serve five to 23 months in jail for grabbing a police officer's Taser gun and shooting her with it while she was trying to arrest him.
What an idiot! I'll bet he got roughed up pretty good in the squad car on the way to the station....deservedly so, in my opinion. I don't care how innocent you think you are, you don't fight with a cop.
Even the media's starting to ridicule the stimulus bill

Shovel-ready.....heh, heh.
The "transparency" of the Obama administration

A top Republican senator has ordered an investigation into the Environmental Protection Agency's alleged suppression of a report that questioned the science behind global warming.
The 98-page report, co-authored by EPA analyst Alan Carlin, pushed back on the prospect of regulating gases like carbon dioxide as a way to reduce global warming. Carlin's report argued that the information the EPA was using was out of date, and that even as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have increased, global temperatures have declined.
"He came out with the truth. They don't want the truth at the EPA," Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla, a global warming skeptic, told FOX News, saying he's ordered an investigation. "We're going to expose it."
There might be something illegal about intentionally subverting a government report for no reasons other than it conflicted with your legislative agenda and casted doubt on your depraved, global-warming ideology. Sen. Inhofe has a steep uphill to climb, especially because the media will help Obama and his EPA hide the facts. Don't be surprised if the media starts snooping in Inhofe's personal life to find dirt with which they'll force him to stop his probe of their personal lord and savior, The Obamessiah.
With dissent growing by the hour, Obama and the democrats have to ram through idiotic, global-warming legislation that will cripple American industry for decades, drive thousands of jobs overseas, and result in thousands of job losses here at home in addition.
Dissenting opinion, no matter how scientifically sound, will not be tolerated by this administration. Government employees will march in lock-step, like sycophantic Nazis with Obama or they will be attacked by the slavish media, fired without cause, or otherwise intimidated into parroting the approved ideology as dictated by Obama.
Where's the transparency, Obama?
Monday, June 29, 2009
The probing hand of Obama reaches into our homes

The president says that 7 percent of all energy consumed in America goes to light people's homes and businesses, and that if the newer, more restrictive energy efficiency standards truly take hold, there could a savings of $4 billion a year by 2022.
That the government would dare come into our homes and dictate that we use stupid, infernally dim, compact fluorescent bulbs demonstrates that there is no part of the private lives of Americans into which he won't intrude using the heavy hand of the federal police state.
After driving home in our tiny, but fuel efficient death traps forced on us by Government Motors, we'll stumble around in the cold, sterile dimness of CFD's, looking for candles to increase the light and warmth in our homes, after which we'll sit shivering, huddled under blankets for warmth in front of our government-approved 13inch, low-wattage TV's, watching the one approved station...OBN(Obama Broadcasting Network) as we stare blankly at yet another glycerin speech by The Obamessiah telling us how wonderfully equal we all are because of him.
God help us!!!
Go out right now and stock up on incandescent bulbs for the coming ban. You're either an independent, patriotic American or a brain-dead, Obama stooge, you can't be both.
The Michael Jackson show is just beginning

Who didn't know this was the case? Today, Debbie Rowe, the mother to MJ's two oldest kids, Prince and Paris, announced that MJ was not their father. I don't care what kind of skin condition MJ suffered from, his DNA is still that of a black dude and his kids should show some evidence of it. I wonder if whoever the real father is will come forward, take a paternity test, and then demand money from what's left of the estate to go away. This whole thing with the kids is going to get ugly in my opinion. Because even if Michael is broke, he still owns the rights to the entire Beatles discography and other things that are very valuable and worth fighting over.
What a circus we're about to be treated to.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Now that's leadership!

Boehner has been great in fighting the Cap-n-Trade disaster. He deserves all the support we can give him. And one way is to rid the House of those 8 traitorous republicans who voted for the bill. Boehner doesn't need sniveling rats like that in his own backyard.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
As they prepared to vote into law the largest tax-hike in American history, members of the House led by who else....Jesse Jackson Junior, demanded and received a moment of silence for Michael Jackson. Here's the eye-rolling quote from JJJ.....
WASHINGTON (CNN) – The House of Representatives held a moment of silence Friday morning to mark the passing of legendary singer Michael Jackson.
"His heart couldn't get any bigger, and yesterday, it arrested," said Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. "I come to the floor today on behalf of a generation to thank God for letting all of us live in his generation and in his era."
What an idiot!!! I guess Junior is just like his camera-hog dad, whenever a black celebrity is in the news, for whatever reason, he's got to be front and center to foster some more street cred with the black voters. Like the nation doesn't have enough going on already.
Do your jobs you preening morons and mourn the weirdo on your own time!
Time for paybacks!!!

Likewise, if you are a conservative who is represented by one of the 44 democrats who voted against the bill, call their office and tell them you are proud of them for standing up to the idiotic, cap-and-trade money-grab of Obama and Pelosi.
Friday, June 26, 2009
NO.....to Cap-and-Trade

There's no such thing as global warming! How many times do I have to say it? The Earth has been cooling for the last 8-9 years and former global-warming advocates in the science community are abandoning their positions in droves to say that it's entirely inconclusive that human activity has any, ANY effect at all on the temperature of the Earth.
Yet Obama and the democrats in the house are determined to ram through this disastrous cap-and-trade legislation while we are all preoccupied with our tears over Michael Jackons' untimely demise. This bill would drive jobs by the tens of thousands overseas where they're smart enough not to hobble their industries with idiotic schemes based on a lie that Al Gore pulled entirely out of his you know what. Moreover, the energy costs to the American family will skyrocket by thousands each year to pay for it all.
If you're an astute reader as all TRR readers are, by now you should be asking yourself, "Where does all that money go"?. Answer" directly to the government. This ridiculous bill would essentially equal the single largest tax on families in US history.
Run, don't walk to the nearest phone, call your representative in DC, and tell him/her to vote NO today on cap-and-trade, and if they vote yes, you'll work tirelessly to defeat them in the next election. Because after all, politicians care about nothing but getting re-elected.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
V the K captures the media obsession with Obama in a simple picture and a caption

That's gold Jerry, gold!
Romney, Romney, he's our man.....if he can't do it....

LA Governor Bobby Jindal - He's a terrific conservative and has significantly cleaned up the most corrupt state in the union but, he's young and in his first term. Most think he's biding his time until 2016.
AK Governor Sarah Palin - She might be the best conservative in the bunch but let's face it, she's the punchline to too many jokes and if she can't be taken seriously, what real chance does she have with the media hysterically against her?
Gen. David Patraeus - Americans love generals as politicians. Patraeus saw the surge through to success and stood his ground against an extremely hostile congress and media. A great guy but, we don't really know his politics so he's sort of a long shot for now.
Former AR Governor Mike Huckabee - I think Mike took his best shot in '08. I like him personally and politically but, he comes from too close to the religious right to have broad appeal in a general election. And I'll bet his wife prefers the easy life of a talk-show host's wife to the rigors of a presidential campaign.
MN Governor Tim Pawlenty - Pawlenty gets a lot of checks on the conservative checklist but, his state elected idiot Al Franken to the senate, and Pawlenty seemed to exert no influence or control over the process of recounting, even in a non-partisan way.
GOP whip in congress from VA Eric Cantor - He's definitely an up-and-comer in the GOP. Young, good looking, and smart. He needs some seasoning before shooting for the stars. He might think that if a community agitator from the corrupt city of Chicago can win, why can't I? Answer: because the feckless media and 63.7million moron voters won't hand deliver you to the White House. You'll have to earn it.
Which leaves us with former Governor and economic whiz Mitt Romney - Romney's conservative credentials are unquestionable and he almost beat McCain for the nomination in '08. Who cares if he's a Mormon. You religious-right fanatics need to get over yourselves. If the economy is still floundering under The One's disastrous policies, then Romney will be the money guru to save the day. Unless somebody comes out of the woodwork, kind of like the way Obama did, for the GOP, then I predict Romney might be the guy for us in 2012.
John "the gigolo" Kerry weighs in on the Sanford situation
“Too bad,’’ Kerry said, “if a governor had to go missing it couldn't’t have been the governor of Alaska. You know, Sarah Palin.’’
The Democratic-centric crowd laughed.
Only a moron of John Kerry's caliber would feel the need to explain the punchline to his own, not-funny joke. And why continue to pile on Sarah Palin? This "comedy" from a guy who's spent his entire phony career as a gigolo to rich widows and living off the earnings of men far better than himself. What a reprehensible piece of crap John Kerry is!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Barney Frank initiates the impending condo crisis
(Reuters) - Two U.S. Democratic lawmakers want Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to relax recently tightened standards for mortgages on new condominiums, saying they could threaten the viability of some developments and slow the housing-market recovery, the Wall Street Journal said.
In a letter to the CEO's of both companies, Representatives Barney Frank, the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, and Anthony Weiner warned that a 70 percent sales threshold "may be too onerous" and could lead condo buyers to shun new developments, according to the paper.
If you check, you'll find that the current CEO's of Fannie and Freddie have donated, or promised to donate, thousands to the respective campaigns of Frank and Weiner(no giggling). That's why Frank interfered with regulators 3-5 years ago, who warned about the collapse of the US mortgage industry....his friends were on the boards of Fannie and Freddie, they were raking in millions, and promising to donate a lot of it to Frank and Dodd's PAC's. In return Frank and Dodd protected the scam Fannie and Freddie were running in order to enrich themselves and their friends. Everybody walked away with millions in their pockets, everybody except the honest, American taxpayer who is on the hook for their unethical shenanigans.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Toronto doesn't have any black guys, so they create one in Photoshop
The smiling, ethnically diverse family featured on the cover of Toronto's latest edition of its summer Fun Guide was digitally altered to make the photo more "inclusive," which city officials say is in keeping with a policy to reflect diversity.
A spokesman for the department that publishes the guide listing recreation activities confirmed the publication was doctored to insert the face of a different father.
"He superimposed the African-Canadian person onto the family cluster in the original photo. It was two photographs and one head was superimposed over the original family photo," said John Gosgnach, communications director for the social development division.
"The goal was to depict the diversity of Toronto and its residents."
Is ethnic mixing so rare in Canada that they have to photoshop blacks and white together? Here's the before and after images.....

That's got to be one of the worst photoshopping jobs I've ever seen. And look at the black dude, he looks like he's leering down that woman's shirt....and happy about what he sees. Wonder how the real dad feels being shopped out of his family's picture?
Finally, are black citizens in Canada really called African-Canadians? I thought all blacks the world over, other than in Africa, were called African-Americans....who knew? I mean who ever heard of an African-Japanese, African-Slovakian, or an African-Brit? Or perhaps the US is the only country stupid and politically correct enough to tolerate hyphenated, nationality designations.
The Voice Of Reason

Obama gives union thugs an office in the White House

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama is creating a White House council to handle issues that affect American communities and workers tied to the automotive industry.
The White House says Obama will sign an executive order Tuesday to establish the White House Council on Automotive Communities and Workers. The council will be chaired by the president's economic adviser, Larry Summers, and his labor secretary, Hilda Solis.
Democrats are beholden to unions the way plants are beholden to water, and Obama will take no action that harms union support. That's what this silly council is designed to do....convince union thug bosses that he's keeping their interests above the best interests of the car companies, and it's share-holders, that the union members work for. He wants the union bosses to know that they have direct access to his office.
There are so many things wrong and illegal about this whole car-company bankruptcy deal, that I can't even go into it all. You all know what's going on. The fix is in and productive Americans like us, and our kids and grand kids, are on the hook for it.
Monday, June 22, 2009
The salty tear of karma is bitter tasting indeed

From my good friend Pat over at BelchSpeak
Police have charged the tour manager of the Black Eyed Peas with assault after he gave celebrity blogger Perez Hilton a black eye outside a Toronto nightclub.
Hilton said he got into an argument with band members Fergie and will.i.am at the Cobra nightclub early Monday morning and was punched outside by Polo Molina, the band’s tour manager. They were at the club following a Sunday night video awards show.
Hilton, who is openly gay, said in interview with The Associated Press that he called will.i.am a “faggot,” a gay slur, inside the club after the musician told the blogger not to write about his band on his Web site.
What perfect symmetry there is in the universe when an asshole like Perez Hilton, who figuratively beat-up Carrie Prejean for stating an anti-gay opinion in response to a question he asked, gets literally beat-up himself for calling somebody "faggot".
You can't close the karmic circle any tighter than that.
Look at that tear. I know girl-scouts who're tougher than that. I'm glad he got his butt kicked. Maybe now he'll learn to treat people a little better...but somehow I doubt he will.
Kids, never use gas to ignite fires

Today's topic: Fire and Gasoline Don't Go Together,
ABINGTON - As a 31-year-old Whitman native fights for his life in a Boston hospital following a backyard fire caused by gasoline, officials are urging the public not to use flammable materials around outdoor fires.
“Any flammable liquid, especially gasoline, cannot be used near any open flame,” Abington Fire Capt. John Nuttall said Sunday.
William Brooks of Lewiston, Maine, was listed in critical condition at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston Monday morning, a hospital spokeswoman said.
Brooks suffered second- and third-degree burns over an estimated 75 to 80 percent of his body after pouring gasoline on a backyard fire pit in Abington Saturday night, causing an explosion.
Brooks was on fire for at least 30 seconds after the explosion.
Dude burned for 30 seconds! Wow! One could almost have cooked a marsh mellow if one was prepared. Who doesn't know not, not to pour gas on a fire? Had Mr. Brooks never heard the metaphoric cliche', "That's like pouring gas on the fire."? Even though Mr. Brooks was that stupid, his even stupider friends stood there while he did it and said nothing. How about a, "Dude, maybe you should rethink that."?
I'm sure I'll hear from Mr. Brooks's family and friends who'll threaten me and tell me what a great person he was/is. He might be a great person but, he's a great, stupid person.
Iran burns while Obama yucks it up with a 40 year old adolescent

40-something year old punk Tony Hawk actually skateboarded in the White House over the weekend. Is this the appropriately serious attitude the administration should have in light of what's happening around the world? Iranian students were dying for a shot at freedom at the exact time jack-ass Tony Hawk was treating the White House like a skate park. While North Korea threatened Hawaii with missiles and the US with all-out war, the media got the vapors over what kind of ice-cream the Obama's fed their stupid dog.
Is this administration serious about anything but nationalizing every major industry in America and irreversibly expanding the welfare state....I mean besides making sure all the cool people in the world continue to adore The One?
Good grief! where are all the grown-ups?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!!!

If you are a father and provider, get off the frickin' computer already and go spend some time with your family.....but thanks anyway, for stopping by TRR.
There's a lot happening in the world and we'll be there to analyze it for you this week so keep checking in for the latest in political and cultural discussion.
HFD!!!, Ed
Saturday, June 20, 2009
An apology without reparations won't satisfy Jesse and Al
WASHINGTON - The Senate has unanimously passed a resolution apologizing for slavery and racial segregation in the U.S. and sent the measure to the House.
Democrat Tom Harkin first introduced the measure years ago but wanted it passed Thursday on the eve of Juneteenth, June 19, a day of celebration commemorating the end of the Civil War in 1865 and the release of African Americans from slavery. He said the House is to take it up soon and that a formal celebration will be held next month.
If a mugger conks you over the head with a rubber mallet and steals your purse, would it make you feel any better for me to apologize to you for it? Probably not.
How about if you were forced into a pointless, miserable marriage to a shrew like Babs Boxer who makes you call her senator in bed, and you finally get out of it, would it make you feel any better if a total stranger who had nothing to do with you marrying her, told you he was profoundly sorry for you being treated like a house pet all these years? Probably not.
In fact, you would ask yourself, why is this person apologizing for something he didn't do and with which he had absolutely no involvement?
I'd like to hear from some blacks who actually feel better having the senate apologize for slavery, when not one person in the senate owned slaves or had any hand in the slave trade. I'd especially like to know how many of them feel better knowing that reparations are off the table according to this resolution. Probably not many, because reparations is what it's about, not the apology.
It's time to end DADT

DADT has been around since 1993, 18 years, and it has proven that as long as a soldier's sexuality isn't worn on his/her sleeve, and they perform their duties according to orders, gay men and women can serve admirably in the military along side straight soldiers. That leaves the question of, what then is the military's argument against gays serving? What it boils down to is the perception that straight soldiers are threatened somehow by being around gays but, since when in America do we discriminate against one minority group because the majority has an irrationally fearful perception of them?
Moreover, in the current war on terrorists, who are 99% Arabic speakers, it is vitally important to have plenty of Arabic-speaking civilians working for the military as translators....something of which we are disturbingly short. Over the last few years, the military has dismissed a large number of Arabic-speaking civilian employees for being gay. To me, this is not only a violation of civil rights but, a startlingly reckless position in terms of national security.
DADT is a ridiculous and archaic social experiment from the most ridiculous administration in my lifetime....I mean up until the current one....and it should be ended. No soldier should be displaying his/her personal lives and habits when in uniform. There are already rules that cover the punishment for that. We don't need to be excluding perfectly fit soldiers because we don't happen to agree with what they do on their own time.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Obama hires another tax cheat

President Obama’s choice as chief of protocol for the State Department, a position that carries the status of an ambassadorship, did not file tax returns for 2005 and 2006, errors she corrected last November.
The nominee, Capricia Penavic Marshall, has placed blame for the problem on the Postal Service and on miscommunication between her husband and their accountant.
She is, with a straight face, blaming the Post Office for losing her tax returns, not one but, two years in a row. I know all government bureaucracies are collosally wasteful and incompetent, and the Postal Service is no exception but, even the USPS can't lose tax forms for the same person two years in a row.
If I had failed to pay my taxes two years in a row, you'd see me wearing an orange jump suit, picking up trash on the interstate with one of those grabby tools so I don't have to bend over.
If you're a democrat, it sure pays, in two different ways, to cheat on your taxes. You don't get punished as long as you pay them, and you get a cush job offer by the community organizer in chief.
Now for greatest actress of our time....

NOTICE: I've had a request in the comments thread for this post, that we discuss the best actresses, so I've moved the post back to the top of the page. Have at it, as always, in the comments thread.
TRR boycott of ABC sponsors

Here at TRR, we'll have none of it. If you have a shred of faith left in the American, Constitutional principles of personal liberty, a small, unobtrusive government, and an aggressive, watchdog media that keeps a check on government, then consider boycotting these sponsors of ABC programming.
ABC is owned by Disney if you didn't know, so try and avoid their stupid, overpriced theme parks this summer too. Print this list out and check it before you head to the gro-sto or the mall this weekend. Also, contact ABC and Disney to tell them how you feel about a supposed news service getting in bed with the object of it's coverage.
Lunesta-1 800 Lunesta,
Lipitor-1 888 Lipitor
Vytorin-1 877 Vytorin
Good Neighbor Pharmacy-1 888 gnpstor
The Lending Tree-1 800 555 tree
Empire Carpet-800 588 2300
Sofa Express
Healthy Choice
Bayer Aspirin
Smart Balance Margerine
Hewlett Packard
Office Depot
All Detergent
BAM Power Cleaner
Best Foods Mayonnaise
Bush’s Baked Beans
Cottonelle Toilet Tissue
Crest Whitening Rinse
Dove Ice Cream
Head & Shoulders Shampoo
Honey Bunches of Oats
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter
Janome Sewing Machines
Loestrin 24
Pepto Bismol
Pier 1 Imports
Pillsbury Toaster Strudel
Reach One Ultimate Clean Toothbrush
Scrubbing Bubbles
Stainmaster Carpet
Stanley Steemer
T.J. Maxx
Tide Laundry Detergent
Vaseline Intensive Rescue Body Lotion
Zyrtec (Pfizer)
Ken Starr volunteers to be useful idiot of the Left

Kenneth Starr, the lawyer who chased after President Bill Clinton and his wife, said on Thursday that he supports President Barack Obama's first Supreme Court nominee, federal appeals court Judge Sonia Sotomayor.
I guess simply living in California is enough to turn even the most hated conservative since Nixon into a moderate who just wants to be liked by his liberal peers. Make no mistake, democrats and especially the media will make plenty of hay off this one when the confirmation hearings start.
What an idiot! Thanks for nothing Ken.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Barbara Boxer sets femenism back decades
Darwin strikes again

FAIRBANKS -- A 34-year-old Fairbanks man who enjoyed riding on the hoods of speeding vehicles was found dead along a rural road, an apparent casualty of an unsuccessful "car surfing" venture, Alaska State Troopers say.
A woman with Retynski told his family that she had "lost" him the previous night. The pair were headed in a truck toward the Retynski family cabin near the east end of Chena Hot Springs Road.
The woman looked for Retynski but was unable to find him so she headed to a nearby campground for the night and contacted Retynski's brother.
News of Retynski's death was not entirely unexpected.
"This is Roman," [his mother], Ruth Retynski said. "He was the daredevil of the family. I know when he was flying off the hood, he didn't think he would die, he was just thinking, 'This is going to hurt.' "
"When he was flying off the hood"!!! How hilarious is that? This family just lost a member yet, they are so casual about it. You have to assume there's some mental retardation or inbreeding at play here.
Who would have guessed this?

WILTON, N.Y. — Former mountain biking world champion Melissa "Missy" Giove was in custody Thursday on federal drug charges after authorities said they seized more than 200 pounds of marijuana from a truck she was driving in upstate New York. From (Fox News).
Seriously, how much of a living can somebody make riding bikes around in the woods? There might by like 5 X-games athletes who have eeked out livings but, the rest of them do what they've always done, sit around getting high, munching on chips, and avoiding a job.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Light posting day

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Hey Democrats.....where's the transparency and ethics?
(From AP) -As U.S. stock markets plummeted last September, the Senate's No. 2 Democrat, Dick Durbin, sold more than $115,000 worth of stocks and mutual-fund shares and used much of the money to invest in Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
The Illinois senator's 2008 financial disclosure statement shows he sold mutual-fund shares worth $42,696 on Sept. 19, the day after then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke urged congressional leaders in a closed meeting to craft legislation to help financially troubled banks
Look, sadly we have come to expect from career politicians, corruption, pandering, greed, self-enrichment....the list of human flaws among DC's politicians is as boundless as Obama's arrogance. What we also expect is that the media will at least pretend to try to ferret out this corruption and expose it. Before the "election" of The One, I would have thought even the liberal media couldn't resist a good-old fashioned, insider-trading scandal involving a Senate democrat, but I was wrong. The media have abandoned all pretense of journalistic integrity in favor of being the propaganda arm of the democrat party. They'll shrug and look the other way as Dick "the turban" Durbin explains away his pocketing thousands as the rest of us suffer.

Here's tricky Dick trying, and failing, to explain how he managed to clean up on the stock market when regular Americans' 401K's are in the crapper. It's too bad the media won't question him about it.
Monday, June 15, 2009
W.H.O. declares swine flu pandemic.....despite obvious absence of one
June 15 (Bloomberg) -- A victim of swine flu died yesterday in Scotland, the first confirmed death from the virus outside the Americas, according to the World Health Organization.
In other WHO news, drunken soccer hooligans fight with each other during matches and Brits by the dozens kill selves after hearing news of Spice-Girls reunion. Do those qualify as pandemics of soccer hooligans fighting and justifiable suicides, respectively? What do you bet the WHO has dramatically lowered the definition for what qualifies as a pandemic, by rationalizing that it's been since '68 since the last one, so it must be that the bar is set too high. Dumb WHO bureaucrats never thought to consider that modern medicine might have eliminated or mitigated the threat of pandemic infections.
They're no different than dreadful public-education bureaucrats who don't have enough failing students to justify demands for more funding. Rather than accept that the system works, they change the definition of failure.
If you outlaw knives, only outlaws will have knives

The first “anti-stab” knife is to go on sale in Britain, designed to work as normal in the kitchen but to be ineffective as a weapon.
The knife has a rounded edge instead of a point and will snag on clothing and skin to make it more difficult to stab someone.
Mr Cornock, 42, from Swindon, said that the knife will cut vegetables, but will make it almost impossible to stab someone to death and will reduce the risk of accidental injuries.
He said: “It can never be a totally safe knife, but the idea is you can’t inflict a fatal wound. Nobody could just grab one out of the kitchen drawer and kill someone.”
That's a load of crap. I could kill you nine different ways from Sunday with this knife. It's like the citizens of the UK are retarded toddlers who cannot be trusted with sharp objects. What's next, blunted nursery-school scissors? Crayons instead of ball-point pens?
The stab-less knife......gimme a break!
If Al Gore gets his way.....we'll all starve

This is from an article in the London Telegraph by Christopher Booker...
It is appropriate that another contributory factor to the world's food shortage should be the millions of acres of farmland now being switched from food crops to biofuels, to stop the world warming, Last year even the experts of the European Commission admitted that, to meet the EU's biofuel targets, we will eventually need almost all the food-growing land in Europe.
The global-warming hoax has become inviolable dogma for craven politicians, smelly hippies, eco-religionists, and easily tricked school children. So complete is the charade that entire governments are pushing forward with ridiculous programs to pour their valuable food grain into the gas tanks of cars. Our government is dictating that car companies must, MUST manufacture high-mileage, low-emissions autos, that all but the stupidest and most gullible Americans will not buy.
Because the Earth is cooling and not warming, charlatans like Al Gore have adopted the phrase "climate change", so they can blame literally ANY weather phenomenon on CO2. I don't think people like him care if millions starve because of food shortages caused by the moronic bio-fuels mandates, because after all, humans are nothing more than parasites on the planet and the fewer of us there are, the better.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
It's Flag Day.....observe it!
Today is Flag Day. For those who didn't know that, here's a brief history.....
In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.[1]
In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14 as Flag Day; in August 1949, National Flag Day was established by an Act of Congress.
If you have a flag and a place to display it, be sure to get it out today.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Digital TV switch today still confuses some morons.....but then, what doesn't?

NEW YORK — TV stations in the U.S. plan to cut their analog signals Friday, ending a more than 80-year era for the over-the-air technology that changed America's landscape, and reshaped and defined its culture.
Smokers can't help but exhibit the stupidity that led them to take up smoking in the first place

Unlike traditional cigarettes, the new fire-safe smokes will burn out more quickly when left unattended and are designed to cut down on the number of smoking-related fires.
"The cigarettes are made from the same blend of tobacco as regular cigarettes," said Indiana State Fire Marshal Jim Greeson. "The only difference to the consumer is they need to puff it more often or relight it."
Jess Brewer of Lafayette said her first encounter with the fire-safe smokes was not good.
"Since coming back from Kentucky about a week ago, I've been coughing constantly and having chest pains because you have to inhale harder on the new cigarettes," she said.
That's rich! She blames her coughing and chest pains on having to suck harder, not on the fact that she's a stupid, career smoker in the first place.
Then came the money quote.....
"I'm totally against the change," Brewer said. "What's the point of making safer cigarettes if they lead to negative health effects?"
It's as if she believes cigarettes don't lead to negative health effects, regardless of fire safety. What an idiot!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
What are you guilty of?

I'm guilty of 5, maybe 6 if I knew what the heck a Calvinist was.
Leave your sin-count, as always, in the comment thread.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Uh oh!!!

Two passengers with names linked to Islamic terrorism were on board the Air France flight that crashed in the Atlantic Ocean, killing all 228 on board, it has emerged.
French secret servicemen established the connection while working through the list of those who boarded the doomed Airbus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on May 31.
Or will the French, seized by political correctness and fear of Muslims, continue to coddle the radicals in their midst? Probably keep coddling if I had to guess.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Katie cupcake is a hypocrite, and a vulgar one

(CNSNews.com) – CBS News Anchor Katie Couric told Princeton's graduating seniors last week that they should avoid "nastiness" and then mocked Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and Miss California Carrie Prejean, while praising Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, First Lady Michelle Obama and Judge Sonia Sotomayor. The latter two are Princeton graduates.
Couric also took swipes at conservatives Rush Limbaugh, the talk radio host, and Donald Rumsfeld, the former secretary of defense.
She then advised the Princeton grads that they must guard against "nastiness."
"Next, don't be a hater," she said.
If Katie Cupcake's ratings get any lower over at CBS, she'll qualify for a TARP bailout. Media liberals like Katie quite literally worship at the feet of the Obamas while delivering low-blows to every conservative in sight, and hating conservatives ingratiates them to the high-brow crowd in which they mingle. If a conservative made jokes about liberals in a commencement speech, the media would have a hissy fit of righteous indignation. "How dare you be a hater"?
Playing favorites is precisely why nobody watches her. If she reported the news even-handedly, instead of genuflecting nightly before The One, Americans might take her more seriously as a journalist rather than the vacuous news-reader she's become.
Not so fast, Chosen One

Thankfully, some of the bond-holders had the guts to stand up to The One's rail-roading of them and the law. Ginsberg has 24 hours from yesterday to decide whether she'll let the Court hear this case. If she allows it, it'll be the first time anybody has dared slow down Obama's transformation of the country, and a delightful smack-down of Obama's belief that he is above the law. That is was the Court's most liberal justice is icing on the cake.
Monday, June 08, 2009
And the frog-god said, "Ribbet".

A FROG that constantly changes colour is being worshipped as a GOD in India.
Hundreds of curious followers flock to Reji Kumar’s home every day to pray and ask for miracles.
Now one of the country’s top zoologists plans to study the rainbow frog. But Reji, 35, who keeps the creature in a glass bottle after finding it while out watering plants, is afraid it might CROAK first.
He said: “My one problem is that this frog does not appear to eat. I keep trying to feed it but it doesn’t eat anything. I don’t know what else to give it.”
We're worshipping stupid frogs now? Is that what the human race has devolved into? Frog-worshipping idolaters? What is it with Indians? I swear, they'll worship anything that is out of the ordinary. And this idiot, Reji Kumar can't get the frog to eat and wonders why, when he keeps it in a jar. What kind of way is that to treat a god for heaven's sake? If the apocalypse is upon us, this is why.
Worshipping a frog....good grief!
Monday edition of Friday funny
Before the clip even starts, you know what's about to happen. What an idiot! I would like to have seen the next 10 seconds of video. I wonder if it just took his arm off or death-rolled him into the pool, killed him, and ate him. Either way, I find it amusing.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Creative job training for the next generation
If college doesn't provide him with gainful employment, I can always send him to Oregon to be a lumberjack.
Going dutch loses it's appeal after a while
Out-of-work bachelors struggle in dating game
You don't say? That they ran a story about it must mean they were surprised by the shallowness of women who won't date derelicts. It's different when you're already in an established relationship and the guy loses his job....that's one of the harsh realities of life but, why would you start a new relationship under that stress?
Maybe single guys without jobs should concentrate on finding one, rather than a girl.

Friday, June 05, 2009
We Get Screwed Again

Maybe you don't understand, or care, but we are sitting around and watching the new Obama led executive branch spiral us down the economic toilet, with a boat load of help from SanFran Nan and her legislative cronies. First we allow for billions of dollars of bailout money to be sent to GM, etc. Unfortunately, this cash donation doesn't stop any bleeding. Allowed to continue to operate at a maximum of inefficiency we now watch as this greedy corporation pillages us. We sit by and take the changes they demand. Here is whats up....................
GM will discontinue associations with many of its dealers. This is done under the guise of saving the company, but it is done in reality to again over burden the consumer with the problems of mismanagement, etc. I live in a medium size southern city. It stands to reason that the metro area and its outlying region can and has supported about 12 GM dealers of various types. We will now be down to 2-3. Direct costs to the consumer will rise. Profits will increase and "zero" money will be paid back to the already overburdened taxpayer. Now I am fine with a free market turn and businesses declining out etc., but I am not fine with a liberally led and selected grouping of remnants- as we now have. It appears to me that the dealerships that are the most representative of republicanism are the targeted goners. One dealer has been in business since the 1800's. They are out as we speak. Owned by a conservative family for all its time, they are being victimized.
I didn't want Obama to run the country, and I sure don't want him screwing up all our businesses and lives. We need to resist now. No more bailouts. No more aid to endure ourselves to the "big money" stupidity that seems rampant at the government level. Stop the madness now! The merry-go-round must stop and when it does we all must get off and go play elsewhere.
Thursday, June 04, 2009

Carradine, 72, was in Bangkok to the shoot movie "Stretch" and had been staying at the Park Nai Lert Hotel since June 2.
The actor was absent from a dinner with the film crew on June 3. The crew attempted to get a hold of him but were not successful. They assumed he was resting.
A hotel maid found Carrradine on Thursday morning in the closet of his suite. A police investigation reports the actor was hanging by a rope. Police said he was dead for at least 12 hours and found no signs of foul play.
That's a bummer.
What's in Ed's CD player?

Old 97's-----------Fight Songs
Guided by Voices---Universal Truths and Cycles
Uncle Tupelo-------Still Feel Gone
Bloc Party---------Silent Alarm
Foo Fighters-------The Colour and the Shape
Psychadelic Furs---All of This and Nothing
Beware the Government-Industrial-Media Complex

The Caucus - NBC was clearly thrilled to have enough access to President Obama to base a two-part, prime-time special on it all this week (Part II runs Wednesday night.)
Mr. Obama, however, went even one step further for the network – participating in a spoof interview segment for “The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien” during his formal question-and-answer session with the NBC News anchor Brian Williams at the White House.
In the segment, shown on “Tonight” late Tuesday, Mr. Williams asked Mr. Obama whether he almost canceled his overseas trip this week “to stay and watch” Mr. O’Brien’s “first week as host of ‘The Tonight Show.’’’
Mr. Obama was fully game and, referring to Mr. O’Brien’s succession this week of the former “Tonight” host Jay Leno, joked, “This is something we discussed several times in the Oval Office, how to manage this transition between Leno and Conan. And I think he’s up to the task. But I just want him to know that there is not going to any bailout coming out from Washington if he screws it up.”
The economy's in the tank, the federal government is taking over private industries left and right, unemployment is 6%-8%, the Norks and Iranians have nukes and are threatening to use them, gas prices are creeping higher and higher, and Jon and Kate are splitting up. Does our President have the time to be goofing around in a serious news interview? And should the President be this chummy with a major news organization(NBC) which is supposed to represent the peoples' interests in checking the President's actions?
Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "Beware the military-industrial complex". Under the reign of Obama, we should beware the Government-Industrial-Media complex.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
The servile MSM
Americans do NOT bow to our political leaders. We do not kiss their rings. We do not fall before them in worshipful reverence....but our reprehensible, ass-kissing media do. This is as sickening as watching Obama bow to the Saudi king. No, it's worse because the press is supposed to be the Constitutionally-mandated watch-dogs of government. How can you be so delusional as to pretend to be a watch-dog of a politician who you obviously worship with every fiber of your being?
I weep for our country.