RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — The time has come for establishing a Palestinian state and it is in the interest of the U.S. to do so, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Monday in one of her most forceful statements yet on the issue.
The comments from Rice, after a meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, suggested that the Bush administration is determined to try to bridge the wide gaps between Israel and the Palestinians ahead of a U.S.-hosted Mideast conference.
"Frankly, it's time for the establishment of a Palestinian state," Rice said in Ramallah, standing next to Abbas.
Has Bush learned nothing from history? Every single time the Palestinians have been given concessions by the Israelis, they take them and then promptly launch a Katusha rocket at a settlement or suicide bomb a bus full of Israeli civilians. They have been living as nomadic savages for so long, their barbarism is practically genetic. They are easily two generations away from being able to live and operate in the world as civilized human beings. And if all they want is a homeland, then why don't any of the Arab states who arm and fund their terrorist operations against Israel give them some of their own desert land to live on? Answer: because a Palestinian homeland isn't what this is about. It's never been about that. It's about the other Arab states using the Palestinians/Hamas as dumb puppets to fight the eeeevil Joooos. That Bush and Rice would entertain the absurd fantasy that the Palestinians will ever be happy with anything other than the eeeevil Jooooos pushed into the sea, is ridiculous and they should stop pretending they can solve this issue with silly land-for-peace deals.
There was never peace between two waring peoples until one of them won. If we let Israel handle their business, they will certainly win and then there will be peace, but not before.
"living as nomadic savages...their barbarism is practically genetic"
Yes mastah, I'a livea likea you mastah! Thank you mastah!
Something tells me you either 1) don't have any friends from cultures other than your own, or 2) caught an Arab dude banging your wife or daughter one night.
Either way you are a complete and utter douchebag.
"Look up at the sky! It's a bird? It's a plane? No! It's brown people with unpronounceable names!"
Somewhere beneath your rock-hard "conservative" shell and punditry veneer, lies a man longing to fellate someone in a Burger King bathroom. At the Minneapolis airport.
Poetry time, kids!
Your blog sucks
A big blogger booger
You've laid a turd.
Littered with cliches
Unearthly like a fossil
You've laid a turd.
Kofi, its people like you, who choose to insult people rather than convince him of your argument, that started this whole mess in the Middle East. How do you think this whole Religious homeland war began. I'll tell you since you seem rather immature and uneducated. It started because the barbaric and savage Palestinians refused to compromise and work out their differences with the Jews. They instead decided to launch assaults (much like you chose to do with Ed) on the Jews, and attempted to rid the world of Jews. Thanks to your remarks, you have shown your true self, a savage untamed beast, an abomination to society. Thanks...
Just like always kofi, your attempt at haiku is woefully mediocre.
Let me help you. Remember, it's the 5-7-5 format...try these...
Your blog, it does suck
A great, big blogger booger
You have laid a turd.
Littered with cliches
Unearthly like a fossil
You have laid a turd.
See? Now that wasn't so hard was it? I'll discuss your more serious points after I've had dinner.
Haha kid cant even write a haiku! (Point and laugh)
He does bring up a valid point, I bet you don't know anyone from any other culture than your own.
He works with Asians. He invites them to parties, and actually is friends with them believe it or not. Unfortunately Kofi makes no valid point in his argument.
If you would even call it an argument. He never actually argues against Ed's story. He simply insults Ed. Sounds kinda like some Democrats.
Ok, so his poem writing abilities are a little lacking. That doesn't change the fact that you screwed one up, and got called out on that fact. You failed to make one valid point in your argument, mostly because you failed to actually make a point beyond attacking and insulting Ed. You may be able to write a poem or two on some stupid immature blog, but here in the intellectual world, i.e. the real world, you won't last a minute.
He does bring up a valid point, I bet you don't know anyone from any other culture than your own.
The main point is that "ed" is talking his xenophobic shit about a specific place he has never been to, and about a group of humans he's never personally interacted with and -- God forbid! -- befriended. Empathy and understanding don't work in his methods of conflict resolution, which is why he's stuck as being just an accountant whose middle-aged co-workers at the office have told him he's a funny guy with all that knee-slappin' "politically incorrect" humor of his.
But why stop now, eh? Becoming human-level-headed would threaten to stir things up within The Ol' Fraternity by removing the outdated rug which provides his comfort zone of seeing everything through "u.s." versus "them" binoculars.
What "ed" really needs is to have Peace Without Apartheid downloaded as an audiobook onto a 900GB iPod which is subsequently inserted via his rectum while in a spread-eagle position. Per month. Chapter by chapter.
I kid! I joke!
Well, not really ;)
Except you didn't bring up a good point. Ed isn't an accountant at some office, and he actually has friends who aren't Ol' Fraternity boys. He actually works with Asians, African Americans, and other races of people. Again, I will say it, and maybe this time you will bother to understand what I am saying instead of just reading it. You failed to argue how Palestinians aren't barbaric or savage. You failed to state how the Palestinians deserve a homeland for themselves, despite the fact that every time they get a homeland, they attempt to kill off every person who refuses to worship them. You failed to explain how the Palestinians aren't involved in any of the terrorist activities in that area. You failed to make any type of argument. You succeeded in insulting Ed, verbally assaulting him even. You succeeded in making a complete ass out of yourself. If I had to guess, you make mediocre pay, at some crap job, working in a cubicle all day, wondering why you failed to get the ball rolling in life. Now, next time you write on this blog, how about you try and make an argument. Actually try to convince us that you know something about the world we live in.
To call this blog xenophobic would be an understatement. Ed tries to simplify things with statements regarding the genetic propensity of the Palestinians towards violence. In the world of black ad white there is a good versus evil. In the real world there are layers and layers of complexity to international relations. Try living in Palestine and having little to no economic opportunity. To have your houses bulldozed, to have foreigners moving onto your land because they are right wing Zionists who believe their Torah commands them to.
Empathy doesn't make you less of man, it gives you a better grasp of situations and possible reasons as to why people are driven to extreme measures.
All right Kofi and anon, I resent you accusation of racism as I never criticized the Palestinians, or anybody else for that matter, regarding anything but their behavior. Bad behavior is fair game. Are you telling me Hamas isn't a terrorist organization, hell-bent on the defeat and removal of Israel from the middle east? Please explain one thing: every time Israel gives up some land in exchange for the promise of peace, the Palestinians trash what was left to them and then it never takes more than a few days for the rockets to fly towards civilians in Israel. What will satisfy the Palestinians? Once and for all?
The part about their barbarism being genetic was hyperbole, clearly. Only a person hunting for reasons to be offended would think otherwise.
I expected as much as the race card from you kofi and anon, rather than argue the points, you label the critic a bigot simply for the target of the criticism regardless of the validity of the criticism itself. Typical race-mongering. If you want to debate here, you'll have to do better than that. And just for the record, Kevin is correct. I work and socialize closely with people from the following countries: China, Japan, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Sweden, Norway, Argentina, Jamaica, South Africa, Germany, the list goes on but those are the main ones. Don't insult me by calling me a racist. You don't know me, so don't confuse my criticism of behavior with criticism of race.
Seriously now, without the language and missives, educate me about how the Israelis are the bad guys and the Palestinians are the victims of Jew aggression. I sit here with open mind willing to entertain your logical and reasoned arguments. If you cannot, or will not, engage in thoughtful dialogue then I will offer this...as they say in old Palestine...
May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your scrotal region.
I don't have too much time here so I will start off by commenting that like in most coutries, there are different sectors in Israel espousing differet things. For the ultra Conservative amongst Israel, the Torah commands that they inhabit all lands of Israel as they were a few thousand years ago. They apparently think this gives them the right to settle in lands owned by Palestinians and displace them. This is one of many aggresive tacts of the conservative Isrealis that infuriate the Palestinians.
Obviously I cannot get to everything in such an in depth context on a message board nor do I have the time. Try googling about the walls, checkpoints and humiliations the Palestinians have to go through just to get to their low payig hob. Check out the educational opportunites available for the arab children. There is a lot of great literature our there for you to read, the best of which does not demonize one side or the other. Neither side is good or evil and to think of this is such is simplistic. The Israelis and the Palestinians are far from cohesive groups. I have been to Israel. The secular Jews and Orthodox could not be further apart. There is also quite a great deal of racism between the Askenazi and the Sephardim not to mention the Yemenis, Indians and every other subset of the diaspora.
To make a blanket statement without having more knowledge of the situatiton is just dangerous.
For the record I am a Jew who does not support the aggresion of the Zionists.
anon, by all accounts, peaceful Palestinians are treated better by Israelis than by their own leadership or other Arab states. Israel has set up checkpoints to limit the damage suicide bombers can inflict on civilians.
Tell me, what's civilized, unbarbaric, or unsavagelike about slaughtering civilians with suicide bombers?
Just so you know, one of my best friends is Lebanese and one of my wife's good friends fled Beirut with her family because her father was a Christian and all their lives were threatened because of it. Don't presume to tell me who I know and what my exposure to mid-east issues is.
I have friends that are black.
Beirut is not Palestein nor are their problems the same as the Palestinians. From the way you talk it is clear you do not grasp the situation over there. I am not presuming anything, it is obvious. You try to boil down thousands of years of conflict into a blurb.
The Israeli soldiers have killed innocents by the boatload as well as the usual torture, theft and brutalization in their forays into the occupied territories. However i am sure that is alright to you, the Israelis represent good against those evil barbaric muslims.
I also am sure you boughth the president's bullshit that the Sept 11th attacks were due to the hatred of freedom.
Anon, my first question is, what do you having black friends have anything to do with Muslims? And if you are going to be politically correct, and accepting of all ideas, you would call them African Americans. Also, how would you know that the problems in Beirut aren't the same as problems Israelis and Palestinians face? You are a classic democrat, whether or not you claim to be, because you hear what Republicans say and automatically assume they are wrong, and immediately attack their claims as false. You haven't said yet how the Israelis are just as barbaric, or how the Palestinians aren't. You just tell us that we are wrong. Well, Prove It! Ed has given his debate on why he thinks what he thinks, why don't you do the same for once? Give us reason! You keep blasting Ed for his beliefs, but guess what? Until you give us your reasons behind your beliefs, no one will care to believe you. You keep blasting his character, without actually giving any proof. But my guess is that you don't actually care about convincing people you are right, you just want to pull out the flaws in other people. Classic Liberal.
ooohhh this is gettin' good - he he -
A million things I'd like to ask but in limited time I have to ask just one, anon, why was the US attacked on sept 11th?
He is going to say that the president was actually the one behind the attack on 9/11, that he knew about it and did nothing to prevent it, so it is his fault. But he won't have any proof beyond what a few nutty liberals said on television. Or wikipedia.
Yes, assume all that disagree with you are nutty liberals. Would you like me to list the attrocities committed by the Israelis against the Palestinians? You dont need me to relate it, you can try reading up on it. Would you like me to use footnotes? I gave examples of bulldozing, beating civilians, massacres(Sabran), settlers. Would you like primary sources?
Also the black thing was a joke. When someone says something racist, they comment on how they have black friends similar to what ed was doing. Also I am not politically correct yet you assume I am becuase I don't agree with the bs you are spewing.
As to September 11th, it would be hard to sum up in a soundbite. Once again this is not a simple answer but the gist of it was as a response to US policy in the middle east over the past 100 years coupled with 1000 years of hatred from the Crusaders. To think they attacked the US becuase they "hate freedom" has got to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard.
Anon, Ed stated who he was friends with because you said he didnt have friends who weren't white. I called you a liberal because of your debating tactics, if you call it debating, and you still didnt answer FreedomtoLearn's question.
See the last paragraph "Kevin"
you called me a liberal becuase you live in a black and white world where there is no gray.
anon said...
I also am sure you bought the president's bullshit that the Sept 11th attacks were due to the hatred of freedom.
Even I'm not that naive anon. That talk was a rallying point in the days following 9/11. No rational person actually believes we care who hates freedom and who doesn't. It's a matter of who attacked us, who funded it, and who's likely to be the next person to try. Those are the real questions. Who cares of Iraqis hate freedom? Who cares if Chavez plunges his country headlong into the abyss of socialism? Who cares if Yasir Arafat theives billions as his people toil in misery, poverty, and despair? As long as they don't play any role in attacking the US or cutting off our oil supply lines...who cares? We, the British, and virtually every intelligence gathering body in the world(at the time) determined that Saddam Hussein either did play, is playing, or will definitely play a role in attacking the US...that's why I supported the invasion....oh yeah, and for oil.
As for your examples of Israeli brutality and atrocities against civilians...every time I see a news story, it's because the civilians, for whom the Israelis are compelled to provide security, are mis-behaving. Throwing rocks at check points, sling-shooting Molitov cocktails at passing IDF's, etc. Sure, I will allow that the Israelis are harsh, but they are fighting for their existance against the entire Muslim world. I would bet any amount of money that if everybody left Israel alone, Israel would leave them alone.
Not only that, but their numbers don't even begin to compare to that of Muslims. On a worldwide basis, the Jews are only .22% of the world population, (by the 1998 census). In comparison, Christians make up 33% and Muslims 21%! I don't really have a point here, but its food for thought. The smallest "major" religion in the world doesn't even compare in size to the 2 largest religions in the world, both of which originated from Judaism.
You can't take away the dignity of any culture, of any human being, of any group of human beings, and expect folks to just sit around twittling their thumbs while everyone else sits in their Starbucks typing away at all their "savagery".
These are usually the same "conversative"-minded people who looked at Katrina and the FIRST THOUGHT was "oh my gosh!...those savages are robbing our precious Wal-Mart!"
Somewhere, someplace, there's a solid George Carlin quote talking about the resignation of boomers like "ed" whose dwindling concerns in his quasi-retired life now include shooting down any hints of idealism in our world.
I've been to Israel, I've been to Palestine.
I mean, "Palestine." Because as long as they don't have their OWN formal state, they won't have real OWNership over their own destinies.
No, my first thought watching Katrina was, why in the world didn't those dumbasses leave when they had the chance? And you can withhold your weeping commentary about how they didn't have transportation. Even if Ray "chocolate city" Nagin failed utterly to use the buses because they weren't good enough for his people to escape on, I was shocked, shocked in the aftermath, to see hundreds of flooded cars and SUV's lining the streets of the 9th Ward that could have been used to leave. They just chose not to leave because they expect somebody else to take responsibility for their lives.
What does that say about a collection of people who won't even save themselves from a hurricane?
And oh yeah anon, don't say they were all infirm, sick, or crippled. Maybe a small number were, their blood is on the hands of Ray Nagin, but most weren't. I saw them running around looting the WalMart and every liquor store in N.O. Don't tell me they couldn't leave. They chose stupidly not to.
Lets not forget that they CHOSE to live in a city below sea level, in an area where Hurricanes hit every year. Also, they were told that Katrina was the largest hurricane to hit the area in a long time. They were told to evacuate and didn't. Even the crippled people could have left if they wanted to. They had plenty of time. That was my first thought watching Katrina.
My second thought was, look at those IDIOTS robbing T.V.s from Wal-Mart. I wonder how they are going to watch T.V. without any power.
The reason these people chose to stay was simply... FOR THE MONEY. These hoodlum scumbag degenerates knew that as soon as the storm passed the city was theirs for the taking. Nobody would be home anywhere. Move take what we want and go to the next place and ( Rikki Don't Lose That Number) do it again. They should have been shot and then tried for their heinous and treasonous crimes. Those folks are the lowest of the low. They are dirty scum, not just regular scum. Now lets get back on topic you guys. We can fight about Katrina another day.
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