It's been a while since we reported on the menace known as "creeping Sharia". Well, it's time to revisit it.
The Minneapolis YMCA is making all its pools Sharia-compliant to accommodate the practice time of a swim team composed of Somali girls ages 7-15.
All other swimmers are kicked out of the pool, the men's locker room door is locked, and female lifeguards are brought in.
Can you imagine the outrage from the ACLU and Godless democrats if a Christian organization wanted to have any, ANY special privileges for its swim team on the same basis of modesty?
If America is so immodest for delicate Muslim girls, then why did their families move here from Somalia in the first place....I mean other than to take full advantage of our absurdly generous welfare programs?
Why should American traditions and customs be supplanted in favor of the flaky, backward customs of a primitive cult that views women as property?
This is how "Sharia creep" starts. Little by little they guilt us into changing to accommodate them until one day we don't remember our own customs anymore. We're living as they do.
Have you ever seen anything so stupid as Muslim women swimming?
“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”
Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas
Friday, November 29, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Carpet bombing scares the crap out of everybody, even the Chinese
The US has very publicly sided with Japan in their dispute with China over territory Japan calls the Senkaku islands in the east China sea, by flying two B-52's over what China calls it's "air defense identification zone".
I don't really care about these islands, but what I do care about is if we can afford an arms race with China, which things are shaping up to be. China has already prepared it's first air craft carrier for sea-worthiness trials in a couple of years. They've build allegedly advanced fighter aircraft, and their standing army is huge with relatively modern weaponry. I would't want to tangle with them over some remote island in the west Pacific. We'll tangle with them over Taiwan for sure.
China clearly does not want any military engagement, no matter how limited, with the US. They own too much of our debt and erasing that would surely be part of our strategy. But a weakened and beholden US could entice China into attempting to reclaim Taiwan or these islands or other disputed territories. We'd have to react if our allies in the region asked us to.
Still, not much causes men to quake in their boots like the prospect of being on the business end of a carpet-bombing run of 500lb ordinance.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Russian-style performance/statement art is not for me
Regular reader Dave sent this in over the weekend. Crazy Russians are, well, crazy! This guy nailed his scrotum to the cobblestones at a......actually, where does it matter? He nailed his scrotum to the street.
Pyotr Pavlensky said the protest was his response to Russia's descent into a "police state" and was timed to coincide with Police Day, which Russia's law enforcement officials celebrated on Sunday.
"The performance can be seen as a metaphor for the apathy, political indifference and fatalism of contemporary Russian society," Pavlensky said in a statement. "As the government turns the country into one big prison, stealing from the people and using the money to grow and enrich the police apparatus and other repressive structures, society is allowing this, and forgetting its numerical advantage, is bringing the triumph of the police state closer by its inaction."
If there's a better reason to stay away from performance/statement art, I haven't seen one. Yikes!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Cancellation of NCIS-L.A. in 3.....2......1
I don't watch NCIS-LA and pretty soon nobody else will be either. The idiots producing the show decided that they would use it as a mouthpiece to give the Obama administration cover with the TV viewing public.
First they introduced a new character who is an NSA analyst who went to great lengths to convince the audience that the NSA only spies on citizens if a search warrant has been issued. On this weeks episode, the team battles a far-right wing fringe terrorist group whose symbol is the Gadsden flag(yellow with "Don't Tread on Me"). Clearly they have targeted the Tea Party as a fringe terrorist group despite not a single reported incidence of violence at any Tea Party gathering. Contrast that with the rampant violence and general law breaking and anti-social behavior from any liberal gathering of 3 or more people.
Even dumb liberals don't like to be preached to in their TV shows and I predict the end of NCIS-L.A. is near as viewership will begin to drop sharply as people realize they might as well be watching what passes for news on MSNBC if NCIS is basically the same thing.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Sorry for the light posting the last few days. There seems to be an infection of some sort either in my computer, the hosting site Blogger, or somewhere as ads from BetterSurf keep closing some windows such as Drudge and the "compose post" window in Blogger, but not others.
I'm trying to resolve the issue with the department IT guy and hopefully it'll get cleaned up shortly. Until then I have to use a different computer or wait until I get home, which is where I'm writing this.
Computers are such a pain in the ass!
I'm trying to resolve the issue with the department IT guy and hopefully it'll get cleaned up shortly. Until then I have to use a different computer or wait until I get home, which is where I'm writing this.
Computers are such a pain in the ass!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Toure' has the right skin color, but not the intellect
MSNBC's Toure' Neblett possesses the only qualification to be given air time in the main stream media......his politically favorable skin color. Because it certainly isn't his knowledge of rudimentary American civics. He stated on TV that democrat senators from red states are struggling politically with Obamacare because conniving republicans have gerrymandered their districts.
Toure' must have been learning how to recycle or put condoms on cucumbers in the 6th grade instead of paying attention in civics class. The 17th amendment states that the senators are elected by, and represent, the entire state. They don't have districts.
What an idiot! He never once considers the fact that everybody hates Obamacare and that we'll hold senators and congressmen electorally accountable for foisting it on us, despite our opposition.
EPA - practically the fourth branch of government
7 northeast states have filed in court to force the EPA to regulate "indoor/outdoor wood boilers" because they create unhealthy levels of particulate matter. Wood boilers must be a Yankee contraption because I've never heard of them. Is that like a wood-burning stove?
I wonder how the language will read, specifically if it will be so broad as to include wood-burning fire places? It wouldn't surprise me if the EPA banned burning wood on behalf of global warming or some other imagined menace.
Enjoy your fireplace this winter because you might be a criminal if you do it next year.
I wonder how the language will read, specifically if it will be so broad as to include wood-burning fire places? It wouldn't surprise me if the EPA banned burning wood on behalf of global warming or some other imagined menace.
Enjoy your fireplace this winter because you might be a criminal if you do it next year.
Friday, November 15, 2013
What's in Ed's iPod?
But why ponder the Hegelian dialectic that defines our world when you can escape with some fly tunes like the ones I'm listening to. You could do a lot worse than sitting back in your tiny office cubicle and wasting your employer's valuable work time listening to these musical stylings from the alternative genre:
Divine Fits
The National
Cold War Kids
We As Human
Kate Walsh
The Fratellis
Of Monsters and Men
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Black mob violence goes largely unreported by MSM
These are the four suspects in a beating case from the Lower East Side where four thugs entered a Korean convenience store, tried to steal soda drinks, and when the owner confronted them, beat the crap out of him with their skateboards, breaking bones in his face and possibly destroying one of his eyes.
I was hard-pressed to find a description of the perps other than "youths", "young men", or just "suspects". Clearly the media, across the board, are engaged in a concerted effort to downplay the rampant crime wave by groups of young black people across the nation in cities large and small.
Blacks as criminals doesn't fit the media narrative of black = virtuous and noble, while white = evil, corrupt, and deserving of punishment.
If you want to learn more about the shocking truth about rampant, black mob violence against non-blacks, check out Colin Flaherty's book WhiteGirlBleedaLot.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 -- remove government and suddenly things are easy and cheap
With a $0 budget, like 5 days, and presumably some pizza a beer, these three 20 year olds built a fully functional healthcare website called You plug in your zip, select from the price options and off you go to purchase a plan. Click on the link and try it.
What in the name of logic and sanity made Obama spend $634Billion and 3 years on an entire company of complete and utter morons to fail to do the exact same thing? The level of sheer incompetence in this administration borders on the criminal. Add the repeated bald-faced lying that Obama, Carney, and Sibelius did and how do they stay out of jail? Answer, because democrat voters and the media are so obsequious when it comes to Obama, that he or anybody in his administration can commit virtually any sin and they will still support him.
How horribly depressing it must be as a democrat voter and have to live every day knowing that you've sold your soul to prop up an America-hating, adolescent community agitator without a single professional accomplishment, other than bamboozling people into electing him, as your President.
Abby Huntsman - not even a token conservative
Abby Huntsman, dingleberry daughter of backstabbing RINO Jon Huntsman, will be joining MSNBC as a "conservative voice of reason". Please!
She tweeted recently, "Every time I see Hillary, I feel inspired".
If obsequiously kissing Hillary's ass is what passes for conservative reason, then you know how far down the rabbit hole and into the cesspool of liberal moonbattery that station has fallen.
Abby might be easy on the eyes, but she's still a barking moonbat.
James O'Keefe is the new sheriff in town
James O'Keefe at Project Veritas hits another home run by exposing the criminal-level corruption going on with these Obamacare navigators.
These dishonest morons were plucked from ACORN and other organizations loyal to Obama, and who, like virtually every low-level government drone, are lazy, shiftless, degenerates who are more than happy to help you lie, cheat, and defraud your way through the system.
Apparently James O'Keefe has a number of these Obamacare video stings which he's going to release one at a time just like he did when he humiliated the utterly corrupt ACORN organization, Obama's pet organization.
These dishonest morons were plucked from ACORN and other organizations loyal to Obama, and who, like virtually every low-level government drone, are lazy, shiftless, degenerates who are more than happy to help you lie, cheat, and defraud your way through the system.
Apparently James O'Keefe has a number of these Obamacare video stings which he's going to release one at a time just like he did when he humiliated the utterly corrupt ACORN organization, Obama's pet organization.
Monday, November 11, 2013
John McCain tries to remain relevant
John McCain must be getting senile. He reported that thousands of people are urging him to run for President again in as what, a democrat?
Won't he be like 104 by then. I think it's far more likely that Cindy and Meghan McCain did a mass mailing to the senator's office themselves pretending to be enthused voters.
After 4 terms in the Senate of 6 years each, Cindy doesn't want him piddling around the house 24/7 cramping her style. And poor Meghan needs her daddy to be in the Senate or nobody in Washington will invite her to the B-list cocktail parties or hire her to attack conservatives as a useful idiot of the leftist media.
It's just as likely that McCain is just trying to remain relevant in DC for as long as possible by stirring up some talk about his running again.
Woman feeds cougar one last meal
Big cat sanctuary worker, Renee Radziwon-Chapman, 36, was mauled to death over the weekend by a cougar when she entered an enclosure with the cats inside, not in the separation cage as they're supposed to be.
I imagine Renee was feeling emboldened with the empowerment and independence that comes from hyphenating her name, but mountain lions don't much care about that. To them, she was an easy meal, nothing more.
This image is probably the last one poor Renee saw.....that's a shame.
I imagine Renee was feeling emboldened with the empowerment and independence that comes from hyphenating her name, but mountain lions don't much care about that. To them, she was an easy meal, nothing more.
This image is probably the last one poor Renee saw.....that's a shame.
Be careful before you donate
Before you decide which "charities" will receive your donations this year, have a look at this chart. (Click on the image to enlarge)
Charity is a big business in the US. While we do a lot of good with the money Americans give, there is a lot of personal profit being made at the same time. Be careful to whom you donate.
Note: I have not vetted this data. You should be responsible for researching whatever charity you give money to.
Charity is a big business in the US. While we do a lot of good with the money Americans give, there is a lot of personal profit being made at the same time. Be careful to whom you donate.
Note: I have not vetted this data. You should be responsible for researching whatever charity you give money to.
Friday, November 08, 2013
Ashton Kutcher hits it out of the park again
Ashton Kutcher talks to Ellen about the value of hard work and the rising entitlement society.....
You know there are other celebrities who think the same way. I wonder if Ashton speaking the unspeakable in Hollywood will motivate others to speak out as well. They won't speak out directly against any specific person, but they might speak out, like Kutcher, in opposition to specific behaviors to which it's not difficult to assign to specific people or political parties.
You know there are other celebrities who think the same way. I wonder if Ashton speaking the unspeakable in Hollywood will motivate others to speak out as well. They won't speak out directly against any specific person, but they might speak out, like Kutcher, in opposition to specific behaviors to which it's not difficult to assign to specific people or political parties.
Thursday, November 07, 2013
Dumb, dismayed liberals get a sobering dose of Obamacare medicine
Meet JoEllen and Lee Brothers of California, 59 and 60 respectively, active Obama-democrats and in good health. They were paying $550/month for health insurance until Kaiser-Permenente cancelled their policy because it didn't meet Obama-care requirements. Now they're dismayed to be paying over twice as much for a crappier policy they settled for on the Obamacare exchange.....hahahahahahaha.
The pendulum of authoritarian government coercion swings both ways, retards. It doesn't just crush red-state conservatives, it crushes the blissfully stupid morons who voted for it in the first place too.
That's right, keep grinning like idiots and scratch another check.
The pendulum of authoritarian government coercion swings both ways, retards. It doesn't just crush red-state conservatives, it crushes the blissfully stupid morons who voted for it in the first place too.
That's right, keep grinning like idiots and scratch another check.
If the media want Christie as the GOP nominee in 2016, they'll make it happen
Rand Paul said yesterday that a moderate republican like Chris Christie has little chance to get the GOP nomination for President because the early path is through some very conservative primary states.
I'll remind Sen. Paul that if the verminous media get behind Christie the way they got behind McCain and Romney, they can install him as the GOP nominee if they want to. Most voters watch the news media, then head to the polls to's sad but true. Then the media will crucify Christie in favor of who ever the democrat is, presumably Hillary. Plus, as soon as the midterms are over, I'll bet we see Christie move decidedly right in his national rhetoric.
Who would have ever dreamed that a two-bit community agitator without a single professional accomplishment of note who spent like 5 minutes in the US Senate, could be installed by the media into the white house on the basis of his skin color alone?
You don't think they can orchestrate a Christie nomination of they want? Sit back and watch them.
Dumb girls in UK dress as Twin Towers.....FoxNews outrage in 3...2...1
These two 19 year old Univ. of Chester students in the UK won a costume award for dressing as the Twin Towers on 9/11. Of course everybody's outraged. No doubt Hannity will spear-head FoxNews's outrage over it, but who really cares? The girls said that 1, they wanted to dress as a recognizable contemporary news event and 2, it wasn't meant to lampoon the event itself......undeniably successful on #1 and I believe them on #2.
Was it tasteless? Obviously.
Was it offensive? Certainly.
Is this what we expect from irreverent college students? Of course.
Disregarding your hurt feelings, were the costumes creative? Absolutely.
Was anybody harmed other than those who're excruciatingly sensitive and demand that everybody revere 9/11 as sacrosanct? No.
Everybody get over it.
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Clinton v Christie in 2016 already?
Based on what I'm seeing in the media today, including Drudge, it's as if Hillary Clinton and Chris Christie have already been nominated to represent their respective parties in the presidential race of 2016.
I don't know if I can get behind another moderate, go-along republican. Dole, Bush, McCain, and Romney were all moderate, go-along republicans and I wasn't enthusiastic about any of them. Christie would have to tack significantly to the right, maybe even toward a more libertarian view for me to actively support his campaign.
If he moves toward the center, which is the prescribed MO of GOP candidates who want to win general elections, then I might sit this one out.
Takeaway's from last night's elections in New Jersey and Virginia
So Ken Cuccinelli lost his bid to become the governor of Virginia by a slim 1.4% points. Here are the reasons why:
1: A billionaire bundler for Obama financed the ridiculous campaign of a supposed Libertarian and dumb Virginians fell for it with 6% of the vote. Without him pretending to run for governor, Cuccinelli wins easily.
2: Establishment republicans in DC abandoned Cuccinelli, probably because he was the first state AG to file an anti-Obamacare lawsuit. Clearly he was not going to play ball with entrenched, beltway RINO's, while Mcauliffe is an old-school DC insider from the Clinton administration with whom republicans like McCain, Boehner, Cantor, etc are comfortable as the governor closest geographically to DC.
And 3: It's possible, if not likely, that Virginians saw Cuccinelli as a tad too ideological. And that spells trouble for TEA-party conservatives in 40 governor's races and hundreds of House races in the mid-terms. I think ideological conservatives might have a tough time getting majority votes in moderate(read battle-ground) states.
What am I going to do you ask? If I vote at all, I'll vote for the most Libertarian candidate in every race and I refuse to vote for a milquetoast republican, especially at the national level.
Tuesday, November 05, 2013
If Virginian's elect Mcauliffe, they deserve what they get
Note: I have no idea what happened to the formatting of this post but to save my own life I cannot get it to post in simple Times New Roman font and without caps lock on. Stupid Blogger software. I'm thinking of changing hosts anyway.

As Virginia voters go to the polls today to vote for governor, we learn that democrat and Clinton hatchet-man Terry Mcauliffe enjoyed the support of Austin, Texas, software billionaire Joe Liemandt, an Obama campaign bundler who financed the Libertarian candidate's entire campaign in order to split the republican vote. Any votes for Robert C. Jarvis are likely to be votes taken away from the republican Ken Cuccinelli.
Obama's dirty hands are all over this. Why would an Obama-bundler in Texas help out with the Virginia gubernatorial race by financing a libertarian to split the conservative votes? Only one reason, because Obama told him to.
If Virginia voters as so stupid not to see this and they vote for Mcauliffe anyway, then they deserve everything that happens to them.
Abraham Lincoln was not a democrat
There is no lie so pernicious that democrats won't tell it as long as it fits into their warped, revisionist model of history. The Jacob Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies of Northeastern Illinois University installed this plaque on one of their new buildings with the absurd lie that Abraham Lincoln was a democrat.
Even dumb public school graduates know that Lincoln was the first Republican President. So either the morons who wrote it are too stupid to know their error, or they intentionally recast Lincoln as a democrat because everybody knows republicans hate black people.
If Lincoln isn't portrayed as a democrat in the dreadful Common Core curriculum, he certainly won't be outed as a republican lest it confuse the brainwashing of America's children. I wonder how many black children know that fact and how many don't know that it's always been democrats who've mistreated black people in America, not republicans?
Common Core: treachery in the classroom
There are few things more treacherous and vile as the brainwashing by the government, of children to hate even themselves because of how they were born. And nothing exemplifies this more than Common Core teaching. Skip over to about 1:50 and listen to this "teacher" explain how white privilege should be taught to white kids so they feel appropriately guilty for being white......
If you can get your kids out of public primary and middle schools that teach Common Core, do it. If you can't, read all materials your kid brings home and make sure you correct the tripe they are being taught.
Weak minded people are easily controlled and none are weaker than those who hate themselves.
If you can get your kids out of public primary and middle schools that teach Common Core, do it. If you can't, read all materials your kid brings home and make sure you correct the tripe they are being taught.
Weak minded people are easily controlled and none are weaker than those who hate themselves.
Monday, November 04, 2013
Artist turns tables on NSA bullies
A brilliant graphic artist Dan McCall designed this T-shirt logo to sell after the Ed Snowden story broke and the NSA listening programs were exposed. Well, the NSA was not amused and tried to intimidate him into ceasing his shirt sales.
Sometimes bullies pick on the wrong kid.
McCall is suing the NSA for infringing on his 1st amendment right to free speech. GO DAN!
I want one of these T-shirts.....
Sometimes bullies pick on the wrong kid.
McCall is suing the NSA for infringing on his 1st amendment right to free speech. GO DAN!
I want one of these T-shirts.....
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