The political tactics of democrats are as
despicable as they are dastardly.....
Online.WSJ --
Former President Bill Clinton tried to persuade Florida Democratic Rep. Kendrick Meek to drop out of his U.S. Senate race and support Gov. Charlie Crist's independent candidacy in hopes of thwarting a victory by Republican Marco Rubio.
Democrats know that if conservative Marco
Rubio gets a national stage for the next six years, he'll likely be the GOP candidate for President. Ordinarily that would make him just another republican to be smeared and besmirched. But Marco
Rubio is Hispanic. The last thing democrats want is for any significant, voting minority to get the crazy idea that maybe conservatism is in their best interests. Democrats can count on the obedient black vote and for now, the Hispanic vote, and mostly the women vote, so for a black, Hispanic, or woman to succeed as a conservative spells future electoral trouble for democrats.
Clinton thought he could nip
Rubio's meteoric political rise in the bud by getting democrat Kendrick Meek to drop out of the Florida senate race, ostensibly throwing his 15% support to yellow turncoat Charlie
Crist. That would win the senate seat for liberals and effectively stop
Rubio's political career in it's tracks. But since Meek decided not to step aside for
Crist, democrats' plan-B is to out Meek as a horrible candidate with no chance of winning. The thinking is that his supporters will want to get behind a winner and go ahead and be convinced to vote for
Crist even if Meek remains on the ballot.
This is election-year politicking at it's worst, but two can play that game. Somebody should make a statement about the democrats trying to get a black man to step down to make way for a white/orange man. That ought to gin up the black voters in Florida to not vote for