Here we go! PFC Naser Abdo is a Muslim. He is also a soldier in the US Army. He wants out because he says he is a conscientious objector.
"Islam is a peaceful religion, it's not a religion of warfare," Abdo said. "And it's not a religion of terror. As a Muslim, we stand against injustice, we stand against discrimination, and I feel it's my duty as an individual to do this."
First lets deal with the lunacy of this situation. Abdo enlists (remember folks the draft is over. He volunteered!). He has gone through basic military training and been paid for this. Now that he is ready to actually serve(where/when he can actually be in harms way), he decides to opt out. What a crock of horse dribble! Get over yourself there Naser. Cowboy up and finish your tour of duty like a man. Now let look at the big picture and the lie.Don't give me this "Islam is a peaceful religion horse hockey. We have all seen the peaceful way the Muslims bombed the Twin Towers. We have all seen the London subway destruction and its massive loss of lives. We have all witnessed the American soldiers dying at the hands of these "peaceful" terrorists. We have all heard the leaders badmouth and demean this country and "peacefully" suggest that we should all be killed as infidels. Now that's a lovely pastoral thought process from your religion!
All hogwash Naser. You are waking up and realizing that you are in a bad situation and are looking for an easy way out. Stop and deal with the results of a poor decision you made, but do it honorably and ethically and most of all morally. Transfer to a different division, but serve out your tour. Its okay to be scared and not want to fight, but not okay to go back on your word.
If George Patton were alive he would slap you with his gloves and "send your chicken
#@$% ass back to the front. There would be no cowards in his place of honor.
What part of the hoopla and rah-rah recruitment stuff did yo miss? Its time to be a man. You made a bad decision. Live with it and pray to your "God" that he will see you through. Now go pick up your gun and walk your post!