Up until now, the federal government backed, or guaranteed, loans for higher education primarily through intermediaries. As part of the hideous health care seizure on Sunday night, those intermediary banks will be eliminated, or their role reduced to simply brokering direct government loans. From now on, Obama's department of education will issue directly, all college loans to students seeking financial aid. This effectively makes the DoE the sixth largest bank in the nation and compels the American taxpayer to directly assume over a trillion dollars in default risk....risk that used to be spread out among hundreds of private banks.
Unless you are a total cretin and/or voted for Obama, you must know that money from the federal government always, ALWAYS comes with onerous, politically-correct strings attached. This will be no different. Whereas before, the private banks acting as intermediaries, insulated borrowers from government meddling, we'll have to deal directly with the feds now. Expect something like the following requirements in order for your chosen institution to qualify for financial aid from Obama's DoE.....
*all students must receive mandatory diversity awareness training from a government certified trainer
*all students must participate in no less than 100 hours of community service with an approved organization such as ACORN, Planned Parenthood, etc
*the campus must be an official "gun-free zone"
*core-curricula for all majors must include classes in environmentalism, minority appreciation, redistributive financial policy, and the evils of capitalism
*25% of campus energy demand must be met with approved alternative-energy sources
*student cafeteria must offer a vegan menu with discounted pricing to encourage participation
You get the picture? When you send your kids off to be indoctrinated, make sure you know what they are being infused with.