Public schools aren't exactly celebrating the "discovery" of America by Christopher Columbus as they did when we were kids....
Teacher Jeffrey Kolowith, right, talks with his kindergarten class at Philip Shore School of the Arts about the voyage of Christopher Columbus to the New World during a lesson Friday in Tampa. But the picture isn't all roses and rainbows. "I talk about the situation where he didn't even realize where he was," Kolowith said. "And we talked about how he was very, very mean, very bossy."
Native American and Eskimo populations whine regularly about, "
How could Columbus discover America when there were people already here"? My answer to that is if it weren't for western-Europeans discovering and developing the new world, it would still be a God-forsaken wilderness full of alcoholic, self-involved illiterates who contribute little or nothing to the evolution of modern man....or, much like Canada today.
What the public-school educrats intentionally omit, is the reason Columbus was sailing west in the first place. He was trying to find new trade routes to the eastern spice and textile markets in Asia and India. You see, the Muslims had looted, pillaged, and raped their way to occupying Constantinople, Turkey(now Istanbul), through which European textile traders had to travel. But you won't hear any teachers talking about the murdering Muslims disrupting commerce over an entire continent.
The reason Native Americans are called Indians is because Columbus mistakenly thought he had found India so, naturally he named the half-naked savages he found here, Indians.
This is just another in a long line of examples of white, liberal guilt for being American. Obama has been apologizing for America for almost a year but, liberal teachers have been doing it to our kids for decades. No wonder our kids grow up thinking America is a bad place, that's exactly what guilty liberals want them to think.