Saturday, January 31, 2009
It's pretty nice here in the South
I kid, I kid.
As if you weren't annoyed by this post enough already, watch the most annoying infomercial about the stupides product ever.....
See, don't you feel warmer already?
Friday, January 30, 2009
The biggest crap sandwich......evah!!!!

I'm getting a little tired of conservatives like Sean Hannity, defending these bankers who're awarding themselves and their buddies millions in bonuses, funded by taxpayer bailouts, as Americans by the millions lose their jobs, in part because of how incompetently these bankers did theirs. The lame-ass defense they offer, is that in order to keep the best and brightest minds at the banks, they have to be given bonuses. If these criminal morons were the best and the brightest, then why are their banks going out of business? But for the infusion of billions of dollars of other peoples' money, they'd be unemployed too. These bankers aren't the best and brightest and most talented. They're the most criminally clever, that's for sure. The best you can say about them is that they are stupid and incompetent, and the worst is that they are criminals who're guilty of fraud, embezzlement, and theft, and should be in jail somewhere, rather than enjoying their $3million bonuses with their ditzy trophy wives in the Carribean.
Don't get me wrong. I have no problem whatsoever with banks turning as much profit as they can. It's the only purpose of a business. But when they demonstrate incompetence that approaches criminality, and are bailed out by taxpayers, many of whom are unemployed because of them, they should not be awarding themselves bonuses. Hannity is wrong on this one.
Sean offers this red herring as an argument: where's the outrage at how miserably the government has managed social security, education, etc? Why pick on the bankers and Wall Street types?
My answer: I've been outraged at the government for 20 years for it's corruption and incompetence. But when you have 40% of the voting population dependent on government in some way, you keep winding up with crooks in office regardless of your outrage.
The first $350billion was completely squandered by these guys. I wish Sean Hannity would tell me how it's right that that much money ended up in their pockets and they still won't ease the loan restrictions? Now congress is poised to give them another $1trillion, and we expect different exactly?
The Next President ?? !!

I received this piece of an advice column today. I don't know who or where Brian is, but I am now officially a fan. Maybe he can run for President - with this style of intellect who knows where the country will go.......
Thursday, January 29, 2009
What's in a name?

Why are we spending grant money on stupid stuff like this?
Boys in the United States with common names like Michael and David are less likely to commit crimes than those named Ernest, Ivan, Kareen, or Malcolm.
Results show that, regardless of race, juveniles with unpopular names are more likely to engage in criminal activity. The least popular names were associated with juvenile delinquency among both blacks and whites.
So in spite of upbringing, education, drug use, environment, abuse, etc...what you name your kid has something to do with future criminal behavior. This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. That's as stupid saying Chinese people eat a lot of rice and they have squinty eyes, therefore excessive rice consumption gives rise to slanted eyes.
On the other hand, everbody knows that any girl named Destiny, Bambi, Brandy, or Cheyenne has no choice but to become a stripper.
Escape attempt.......FAIL!
That looked like something from a Ren and Stimpy cartoon.
It's Ann Coulter Thursday!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Nassau Democrats passed a bill Monday to make candy retailers put candy and bubble-gum cigarettes behind the counter, much like real cigarettes.
In other news: They still make candy cigarettes.

There are lots of things that are legal for adults to obtain and use that shouldn't be made into toys, so children can pretend and learn to use them too. Am I the only one who sees the inherent stupidity in a society that allows the sale of candy cigarettes to children?
Cameras don't take porno pics, perverts do

Cameraphone perverts of the world beware: the American government is after you.
Well, not the entire government - yet, anyway. According to the Camera Phone Predator Alert Act - a piece of legislation submitted to Congress by New York Republican Peter King - all camphones could be required by law to make a clicking sound when a picture is taken.
I'll bet the daughter of some big donor to King's PAC, had some teenage creep snap an upskirt picture of her in a mall arcade or something, and demanded congressional action to prevent it from happening again.
As a civilization, are we really to the point of making techological advances behave like the archaic ones they replaced because we can't get used to the new ones? Isn't snapping upskirt pictures illegal already?
Camera phones have to make a clicking noise? Are you kidding me?
But it's also a zero-sum scheme being paraded by The One as an infusion of money into the economy. Before they can send out "stimulus" checks, however, they first have to confiscate that money from taxpayers, then they give us back, in the form of stimulus checks, the same money they took from us to begin with. How does this stimulate the economy when no extra money is available? They will simply have taken money from the productive achievers in society, and given it to the loafing derelicts who voted for The One. So instead of having money responsibly invested in job creation by people who know how, you have that same money spent on cigarettes, booze, and crystal meth...or whatever idle democrat voters do for recreation.

Despicable, trial-lawyer vampires try to cash in on Hudson plane crash

Many US Airways (LCC) passengers who endured a crash landing in the Hudson River 12 days ago say they appreciate the $5,000 that the airline has offered — but some say it's not enough.
Joe Hart, a salesman from Charlotte who suffered a bloody nose and bruises, says he "would like to be made whole for the incident."
It's too soon after the accident to determine what emotional distress he has suffered, he says.
What a dispicable, loathsome turd this guy Hart is! Who guarantees that life should be stress-free? He's lucky to be alive and negligence had nothing to do with the crash. We Americans have been well-trained by wretched trial lawyers to expect no-fault lives. And when something happens to us, somebody else, always with deep pockets, is to blame. There's always a big payday waiting around the next corner.
If this jerk Hart wants to sue somebody, why not PETA for pitching a hissy fit when the airport tried to get rid of the flocks of geese? Hopefully the next plane crash will be headed to a trial-lawyer convention and the outcome won't be so good.
Al Gore braves bitter cold to whine about non-existant warming......and gives Americans a much needed laugh

Al Gore unwittingly decends into self-parody as he tries to get Congress ginned up about the global warming haox on a day when a winter weather storm hammers Washington DC....
WASHINGTON -- Former Vice President Al Gore is urging Congress not to be sidetracked by the current financial crisis and to take "decisive action" this year to reduce the heat-trapping gases responsible for global warming.
Gore, scheduled to appear before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday, planned to tell lawmakers that a bill capping greenhouse gas emissions is needed if the U.S. is to play a leading role in negotiations for a new international climate treaty
Global warming ranked dead last on a list of things of concern to Americans, and the desperate Goreacle sees his income stream dwindling as people finally wake up from their pixie dust induced, global-warming slumber and realize that the Earth isn't warming, the seas are not rising, and that Al Gore is a snake-oil salesman of the worst kind.
Why Congress is giving him an audience is beyond me, except that stupid, delusional democrats are in charge, and half of them are in on the climate-change bamboozle.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009 9:57:36 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern Subject: The Daily Mail in London, England writes:The Night We Waved Goodbye to America . . .Our Last Best Hope On Earth Peter Hitchens, Daily Mail(London) Anyone would think we had just elected a hip, skinny and youthful replacement for God, with a plan to modernize Heaven and Hell - or that at the very least John Lennon had come back from the dead.The swooning frenzy over the choice of Barack Obama as President of the United States must be one of the most absurd waves of self-deception and swirling fantasy ever to sweep through an advanced civilization. At least Mandela-worship - its nearest equivalent - is focused on a man who actually did something.I really don't see how the Obama devotees can ever in future mock the Moonies, the Scientologists or people who claim to have been abducted in flying saucers. This is a cult like the one which grew up around Princess Diana, bereft of reason and hostile to facts.It already has all the signs of such a thing. The newspapers which recorded Obama's victory have become valuable relics. You may buy Obama picture books and Obama calendars and if there isn't yet a children's picture version of his story, there soon will be. Proper books, recording his sordid associates, his cowardly voting record, his astonishingly militant commitment to unrestricted abortion and his blundering trip to Africa, are little-read and hard to find.If you can believe that this undistinguished and conventionally Left-wing machine politician is a sort of secular savior, then you can believe anything. He plainly doesn't believe it himself. His cliche ½-stuffed, PC clunker of an acceptance speech suffered badly from nerves. It was what you would expect from someone who knew he'd promised too much and that from now on the easy bit was over.He needn't worry too much. From now on, the rough boy s and girls of America 's Democratic Party apparatus, many recycled from Bill Clinton's stained and crumpled entourage, will crowd round him, to collect the rich spoils of his victory and also tell him what to do, which is what he is used to.Just look at his sermon by the shores of Lake Michigan. He really did talk about a 'new dawn', and a 'timeless creed' (which was 'yes, we can'). He proclaimed that 'change has come'. He revealed that, despite having edited the Harvard Law Review, he doesn't know what 'enormity' means. He reached depths of oratorical drivel never even plumbed by our own Mr. Blair, burbling about putting our hands on the arc of history (or was it the ark of history?) and bending it once more toward the hope of a better day (Don't try this at home).I am not making this up. No wonder that awful old hack Jesse Jackson sobbed as he watched. How he must wish he, too, could get away with this sort of stuff.And it was interesting how the President-elect failed to lift his admiring audience by repeated - but rather hesitant - invocations of the brainless slogan he was forced by his minders to adopt against his will - 'Yes, we can'. They were supposed to thunder 'Yes, we can!' back at him, but they just wouldn't join in.No wonder. Yes we can what exactly? Go home and keep a close eye on the tax rate, is my advice. He'd have been better off bursting into 'I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony' which contains roughly the same message and might have attracted some valuable commercial sponsorship.Perhaps, being a Chicago crowd, they knew some of the things that 52.5 per cent of America prefers not to know. They know Obama is the obedient servant of one of the most squalid and unshakeable political machines in America . They know that one of his alarmingly close associates, a state-subsidized slum landlord called Tony Rezko, has been convicted on fraud and corruption charges.They also know the US is just as segregated as it was before Martin Luther King - in schools, streets, neighbourhoods, holidays, even in its TV-watching habits and its choice of fast-food joint. The difference is that it is now done by unspoken agreement rather than by law.If Mr. Obama's election had threatened any of that, his feel-good white supporters would have scuttled off and voted for John McCain, or practically anyone. But it doesn't. Mr. Obama, thanks mainly to the now-departed grandmother he alternately praised as a saint and denounced as a racial bigot, has the huge advantages of an expensive private education. He did not have to grow up in the badlands of useless schools, shattered families and gangs which are the lot of so many young black men of his generation.If the nonsensical claims made for this election were true, then every positive discrimination programmed aimed at helping black people into jobs they otherwise wouldn't get should be abandoned forthwith. Nothing of the kind will happen. On the contrary, there will probably be more of them.And if those who voted for Obama were all proving their anti-racist nobility, that presumably means that those many millions who didn't vote for him were proving themselves to be hopeless bigots. This is obviously untrue.I was in Washington DC the night of the election. America 's beautiful capital has a sad secret. It is perhaps the most racially divided city in the world, with 15th Street - which runs due north from the White House - the unofficial frontier between black and white. But, like so much of America, it also now has a new division, and one which is in many ways much more important. I had attended an election-night party in a smart and liberal white area, but was staying the night less than a mile away on the edge of a suburb where Spanish is spoken as much as English, plus a smattering of tongues from such places as Ethiopia, Somalia and Afghanistan.As I walked, I crossed another of Washington's secret frontiers. There had been a few white people blowing car horns and shouting, as the result became clear. But among the Mexicans, Salvadorans and the Third World nationalities, there was something like ecstasy.They grasped the real significance of this moment. They knew it meant that America had finally switched sides in a global cultural war. Forget the Cold War, or even the Iraq War. The United States, having for the most part a deeply conservative people, had until now just about stood out against many of the mistakes which have ruined so much of the rest of the world.Suspicious of welfare addiction, feeble justice and high taxes, totally committed to preserving its own national sovereignty, unabashedly Christian in a world part secular and part Muslim, suspicious of the Great Global Warming panic, it was unique.These strengths had been fading for some time, mainly due to poorly controlled mass immigration and to the march of political correctness. They had also been weakened by the failure of America 's conservative party-the Republicans-to fight on the cultural and moral fronts.They preferred to posture on the world stage. Scared of confronting Left-wing teachers and sexual revolutionaries at home, they could order soldiers to be brave on their behalf in far-off deserts. And now the US, like Britain before it, has begun the long slow descent into the Third World . How sad.Where now is our last best hope on Earth?
Stimulus package only stimulates more democrat voting

WASHINGTON — With the clock ticking toward the Feb. 17 deadline for TV broadcasters to shut off their analog signals and go entirely digital, analysts say more than 6.5 million households are not ready.
Now Congress appears poised to postpone the transition to June — but a delay could bring its own problems.
To avoid blacking out TV sets in unprepared homes next month, the Obama administration is seeking the delay to give the government more time to fix a subsidy program that has run out of money for coupons that help consumers pay for digital converter boxes for older TVs.
We've been preparing for this transition for 3 years. Anybody who still hasn't gotten their government subsidized converter box is either plain stupid, plain lazy or both. Here's the thing, Obama has been told that the miserable people who still watch TV with rabbit ears, are the same people who're receiving government checks every other words, democrat voters. You watch, the Obama administration and it's wretched, democrat counterparts in Congress will rationalize using stimulus money to fund another round of converter box give-aways to shiftless degenerates in muddy trailors, who refuse to pay for basic cable, or even get off their asses and go get a free box(it's free to them, but you and I paid for it).
There is nothing, nothing I tell you, that loathsome democrats and craven republicans won't attempt to spend money on in the name of the stimulus package.
Monday, January 26, 2009
What's your make a better world?
Satire and mockery are the sincerest forms of ridicule. I know I'm mock The One...
I pledge to reduce methane given off by pigs and eating more bacon-wrapped steaks.
I pledge to conserve fuel for driving my SUV only 15mph over the limit.
I pledge to encourage the suggesting that they "get a job".
Kennedy's case of N.I.M.B.Y.

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama's enthusiasm for alternative energy is being buffeted by two political forces on opposite sides of plans to build the nation's first offshore wind farm off Cape Cod.
A leading foe of the $1 billion project is Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., an early and influential backer of Obama's presidential bid. A strong proponent is Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, a close friend of Obama and a source for some of his best campaign speech lines.
It's highly indelicate of me to point out the obvious but, Obama and Deval can wait a while and Kennedy's opposition will no longer be a problem.
Running and funning

Sorry about the light posting today. I'll try to do better tomorrow.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Liberals are dumber than monkeys
From an article in NationalGeographic,
In recent tests designed to assess monkeys' sense of fairness, a group of brown capuchin monkeys "went on strike" and refused to perform routine tasks when they saw others receiving greater rewards for the same tasks.
The more effort the primates used to earn a reward, the more upset they appeared to be at the inequity, according to scientists who conducted the research.
Building on previous research, Sarah Brosnan of Georgia State University in Atlanta, and her team tested six pairs of monkeys on a simple task: handing a token to a human examiner in return for a food reward.
When monkeys noticed that their partners received better rewards for the same task—a cherished grape instead of a bit of cucumber—they became likely to refuse participation, the study showed.
The behavior, called inequity aversion, might have its roots in activities like food gathering, in which primates can suffer if they cooperate with others who do not do their share of work, Brosnan said.
Even monkeys will rebel against a system that compels them to work for less reward, while other monkeys do little or nothing for greater reward. When will the productive class in America rebel against the same system, under which we currently toil?

Hat tip to Moonbattery.
The soft bigotry of low expectations
I am concerned, as I’m sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to high-skilled people who are already professionals or to white male construction workers. … I have nothing against white male construction workers. I’m just saying that there are a lot of other people who have needs as well. … Criteria can be set so that the money does go to others, the long term unemployed minorities, women, people who are not necessarily construction workers or high-skilled professionals.
So let me get this straight, construction jobs will go to people who're not construction workers or even skilled, simply on the basis of current employment status, gender, and skin color? Seriously? If you're driving with your family across a bridge over the Mississippi River, wouldn't you like to assume that the best available engineers and most highly skilled construction workers were used to design and build it, regardless of race? How many of you would cross a bridge knowing that only firms owned by a certain protected race were allowed to work on the project?
Where's the post-racialism moron! By insisting on race-based set-asides, Reich demonstrates his, and by extension Obama's, belief that blacks can't compete with, and are less competent than, everybody else and must be given an advantage. If you voted for Obama because he was the post-racial candidate and you thought he would end the racial disharmony in America, then you are a retard. He's a liberal, first and formost. Liberalism supercedes all else and racial preferences are the cornerstone of liberalism.

Hat tip to Hotair.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The Socialization of America
And The One tells us that he might demand as much as 4Trillion more. The first 350billion did absolutely nothing but line the pockets of Sec. Paulson's friends on Wall Street, and now we're going to throw another 1-4Trillion after it? Down the bottomless rathole of government promises?
What you are witnessing, for those of you who haven't read Atlas Shrugged, is the socialization of America. Nothing makes craven democrats happier than as many Americans as possible dependent on the governmnet, and that's exactly what they're engineering with this bailout nonsense. Sadly, there are far too many reprehensible republicans who are all hopey and changey these days to stand in the way.
Oh puke!
Ali Wentworth (husband of ABC News' George Stephanopoulos) on "Oprah":
"We watched everything and George was still doing all the anchoring for ABC and as soon as Beyonce said "At Last..." George called me at home and he went, "Honey?" and I said "I know!" and we both started crying."

Diane Sawyer, intoxicated with HopenChange?
I hope she wasn't driving around DC in that condition. Who does she think she is, a Kennedy?
Hat tip to Hotair.
It's Ann Coulter Thursday!

The Wonder Boy....or garden variety tax cheat?
WASHINGTON -- Timothy Geithner, President Barack Obama's pick for Treasury secretary, told lawmakers that "substantial" and "dramatic" action will be needed to resolve the financial crisis but said the Obama administration was still determining how best to tackle the problem.
At his confirmation hearing before the Senate Finance Committee, Mr. Geithner also apologized for failing to pay some past employment taxes, saying he made careless but unintentional mistakes and corrected the errors.
This guy cheated on his taxes, at least two different ways that we know of, for four years and only paid back the money when he was outed by the vetting process. He wants us to believe that they were simple preparation mistakes that anybody could make. And they are, simple mistakes the somebody like me might make. But Obama has led us to believe he's the boy genius and he's the only one who can save the country from disaster.
If he's so brilliant, how could he possibly make stupid, pedestrian mistakes that I could make, on his tax returns....for four years running?

How old is this guy? He looks to be fresh out of college. I think Obama picked him because he promised to implement whatever disasterous, Keynesian economic policy Team Obama tells him to.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Obama promises to spread our wealth.....everywhere

And to those nations like ours that enjoy relative plenty, we say we can no longer afford indifference to suffering outside our borders; nor can we consume the world's resources without regard to effect. For the world has changed, and we must change with it.
The US already gives almost twice as much as the second highest giver. And that's just a comparison of dollars. It doesn't take into account, the blood and treasure we've spent over the years in various, third-world crap holes and Europe, liberating millions from oppression and terror. It doesn't take into account the millions of lives that have been saved through the generous donation of life-saving drugs by our pharmaceutical companies in Africa alone. It doesn't take into account the military presence we have around the world that keeps the peace. It doesn't take into account the billions in food that feeds the hungry. And it doesn't take into account the technology we share that improves the standard of living of millions.
All this giving and Obama says that we ignore the suffering outside our borders. Please! If it weren't for the US, most of the rest of the world would be in much worse shape than they are now.
As for our consumption of resources, that sounds like a carbon tax to me. If he thinks we're in an economic mess now, try taxing businesses and individuals on their resource consumption. How stupid!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
As the Bush's head for Texas, democrats show how classy they are.......FAIL!!!

MSNBC covered the send-off and viewers at home could hear inaugural attendees near the MSNBC location chanting "Hey, Hey, Hey, Good Bye" as they watched Executive One fly over the Mall.
What a bunch of degenerate, classless trash Obama voters are! After the 2000 election, the Clinton zealots acted the same way toward the Bush's as the Clintons left the White House and the Bush's arrived.
Grow up, scumbags!
Rev. Joseph Lowry underwhelms with his "poem"

Benediction at Obama 's inauguration, Rev. Joseph Lowery:
'Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when
black will not be asked to get in back,
when brown can stick around...
when the red man can get ahead, man...
when yellow will be mellow...
and when white will embrace what is right.
That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen. Say Amen'...
That sounded like that Paul Simon song, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover. Think of the hubris you have to have in order to take the most serious, somber, and dignified moment in your career, a President's inaugural benediction, and offer up a Johnny Cochran/Jesse Jackson, clown-like, cartoon mockery of a prayer. Unbelievable! These race hustlers just can't help grandstanding when somebody puts a mic and camera in front of them. In fact, the bigger the stage, the more outrageous the grandstand.
Even Obama had to be rolling his eyes at that.
The Times is now the newspaper of Mexico

MEXICO CITY (AP) -- A Latin American billionaire looks to expand his empire in the United States in a deal that could make him the largest shareholder of The New York Times Co.
The $250 million investment by Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim could provide some synergies with his telecommunications holdings in Latin America, analysts say.
I can't begin to imagine even more favorable coverage of illegal immigration from the hopeless, third-world abyss to our south, than the Times already doles out, but with a majority stake, Mexico will certainly exercise serious influence on content. With remittances from illegals in America constituting the second biggest source of dollars to Mexico after oil, look for a full-court press in favor of more Mexican immigration from the New York Times.
But since the Times dutifully regurgitates liberal, PC dogma, the rest of the MSM will shrug and ignore the obvious conflict of interest.
Al Gore honored, no mocked, in Fairbanks, Alaska

Local businessman Craig Compeau unveiled the frozen likeness on Monday.
The 8 1/2-foot-tall, 5-ton sculpture dominates a downtown street corner from its perch on the back of a flatbed truck.
Compeau says he's a "moderate" critic of global warming theories. He used Monday's unveiling of the sculpture to invite Gore to Fairbanks -- where it was 22 degrees on Monday -- to explain his global warming theories.
He says it will stand through March, unless it melts before then.
It's about time people started publically mocking Al Gore for his perposterous global-warming sham.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Today's schadenfreude moment
That reminds me of this scene in Monty Python's The Holy Grail.....
That's gold Jerry, gold!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sunday tunes
Everybody knows Grohl's a great drummer and I always love watching him on the skins but, who knew Taylor Hawkins was a closet front man?
Obama is too cozy with Hamas

One of the religious leaders invited to address Barack Obama’s inaugural prayer service Wednesday heads an Islamic group named by federal prosecutors as a co-conspirator in a terrorism-fundraising trial in Texas.
Ingrid Mattson, president of the Islamic Society of North America, is scheduled to join Christian ministers and Jewish rabbis offering prayers for the new president and his family during a service at the National Cathedral in Washington, organizers announced Friday.
Mattson’s group calls itself “the largest Muslim umbrella organization” in North America. However, in May 2007, federal prosecutors included ISNA on a list of nearly 300 co-conspirators filed in a criminal case charging that the Holy Land Foundation of Richardson, Texas, funneled more than $12 million to Hamas.
The U.S. government designated Hamas as a terrorist group in 1995.
The Obama campaign tried to sneak by $24,000 dollars in illegal campaign contributions from known Hamas associates in Gaza. Any, any money accepted from foreigners by a presidential campaign is illegal and, The One denied and denied it until the feds proved it. I think this is only the beginning of the love affair The One will have with Islam. How pitiful are we Americans to have elected as President, on the basis of race and personality alone, an unqualified community agitator who has an Islamic name and has demonstrable affection for the very cult that wants us destroyed? Pitiful!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Friday Funny--High-Five FAIL
Teens behaving badly

When Julie Amanda Tilton went to Daytona Beach during spring break, she competed in a number of risque contests at a local motel before hundreds of observers, some taking photos.
Tilton, at the time a 17-year-old high school student, went to the Desert Inn Resort Motel in April 2001 after hearing about the contests. She competed in two wet T-shirt contests, a “banana sucking contest” and a “sexual positions contest.”
The only reason I'm laughing so hard right now is that it's somebody elses daughter.
The Rubicon has been crossed

-$6 billion to weatherize "modest income homes."
Why should I pay for someone elses' home improvement?
-$6 billion to provide internet in "underserved" areas
If yokels have to look at analog and magazine porn, the terrorists have already won I suppose
-$6 billion for "higher education modernization."
A blatant pay-off to dreadful teachers' unions
-$20 billion to increase food stamp funding
Great, more welfare to make laziness and dependency a more comfortable way of life
-$300 million to provide rebates for people who purchase Energy Star products
-$600 million for the federal government to buy brand new energy efficient cars
-$400 million for state and local governments to buy brand new energy efficient cars
-$2.4 billion for carbon capture demonstration programs
-$350 million to research using energy efficient technology on military bases
-$300 million for grants and loans to state and local governments for projects that reduce diesel emissions, "benefiting public health and reducing global warming"
-$500 million for energy efficient manufacturing demonstration projects.
If any of these technologies were worth a crap, people would be buying them already and the government wouldn't have to prop them up
-$400 million to build major research facilities "that perform cutting edge science"
-$1.5 billion for expanding "good jobs in biomedical research"
I'm in biomedical research and I don't even know what this means. If it means more funding for technology and medical research nationwide, then that's a legitimate role of government and I can't complain about that.
The bottom line is that politicians of both parties are salivating at the chance to dramatically increase the size and scope of the federal bureaucracy, and they've easily convinced stupid, lazy, brain-dead Americans that it's a good idea to do so.
For me, this is Bush's legacy. I appreciate no more terrorist attacks and all that but, the longest lasting effects of his presidency will have been the citizens' acceptance of the socialization and nationalization of huge parts of America that used to be violently private. I don't think we'll ever go back to the fierce individualism, self reliance, and determined independence that defined Americans 250 years ago.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Don't mess with Israel

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - Israel shelled the United Nations headquarters in the Gaza Strip on Thursday, engulfing the compound and a warehouse in fire and destroying thousands of pounds of food and humanitarian supplies intended for Palestinian refugees.
If I was an IDF pilot with some extra ordinance on my plane and I saw the Gaza UN building down below in my sights, it'd be pickle-button all the way. Nobody has a longer record of anti-semitism than the loathsome, despicable UN. To drop a bomb on it would be almost irresistable.
It's Ann Coulter Thursday!

Even Martians will be subjected to the idiocy of The Obamessiah

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The Religion of Peace approves of child rape
Saudi Arabia's most senior cleric has told followers it is permissible for ten-year-old girls to marry and anyone who think they are too young are doing the youngsters 'an injustice'.
Abdul-Azeez ibn Abdullaah Aal ash-Shaikh, the country's grand mufti, said: 'It is wrong to say it's not permitted to marry off girls who are 15 and younger.
'A female who is ten or 12 is marriageable and those who think she's too young are wrong and are being unfair to her,' he said during a Monday lecture.
You and I both know what he meant when he said(in bold above), "doing the youngsters".

Lest you people think I'm being unfair to main-stream, moderate Muslims, scour the internet and see how many Muslims come out and denounce the marriage of grown men to 10 year old little girls. You won't find any. By keeping quiet, they are as guilty as the depraved perps themselves.
The arrogance of The One

Barack Obama's inauguration is set to cost more than £100m making it the most expensive swearing-in ceremony in US history.
The President-elect will take less than a minute to recite the oath of office in front of an estimated two million people in the US capital next week.
But by the time the final dance has been held at one of the many inaugural balls the costs for the day will be a staggering £110m.
By contrast, the inaugurals of both Bush and Clinton cost about $10million each of taxpayer money. For our personal messiah, Obama, we taxpayers are on the hook for ten times that. The ridiculous thing is that he thinks he's worth it.
If it's not the TV images of Obama voters in attendance lying worshipfully prostrate before their personal lord and savior, it'll be the fawning zealots in the media kissing his ass. Honestly, I'm not sure I can sit through it without heaving. Should be easy to get a tee-time though.
I wonder how many dishonest democrats will call in sick on Tuesday rather than take a vacation day from work in order to watch the all-day coverage? Or even more preposterously, how many will demand to be given a paid day off for the event?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Dissent will not be tolerated by The One

In the era of Obama, the re-education and indoctrination of the proleteriat must commence immediately. Repeat comrades, after me: Global warming causes global cooling,
Global warming causes global cooling,
Global warming causes golbal cooling.
Never mind that Earth has been cooling for 12 years and that record cold temperatures are being set by the hour, Al Gore and The One have decreed that global warming is so....and so it shall be.
Your mouthwash ain't making it

Over at Conservativegrapevine, John linked to this story from the Daily Mail in the UK. Here's the jist of it....
Mouthwashes can cause oral cancer and should be removed from supermarket shelves, an expert said last night.
Smoking and alcohol consumption are well-established risk factors in oral cancer which is diagnosed in 5,000 people in the UK each year, and causes 1,600 deaths.
Professor McCullough, from Melbourne University, said the alcohol in mouthwash allows cancer-causing substances such as nicotine to penetrate the lining of the mouth more easily.
I swear! There is no little joy of life that smelly-hippy do-gooders won't try to take away. Trial lawyers must have run out of people to sue. So they awarded a grant to some hack scientist to "discover" that mouthwash causes cancer. Now the lawyers can go after any company that makes mouthwash on behalf of some idiot, life-time smoker who got mouth cancer. But they won't blame the cigarettes because they've already bled the tobacco companies dry. Mouthwash manufacturers now have the deepest pockets in town.
A virtual cookie to the first reader to name the movie referenced in the title of this post.
Outsourcing our military

The US Air Force yesterday took the first public step in the search for a replacement of the Boeing VC-25 Air Force One, the presidential aircraft fleet.
The USAF posted a request for information for market sources that can provide three widebody aircraft to replace two, 19-year-old VC-25s, which are converted Boeing 747-200s.
An analysis of alternatives performed in 2007, which identified the Airbus A380 as a candidate, found that it would be more cost-effective to buy new aircraft rather than modernize the VC-25s.
As a retired military guy myself, I would hate to see Air Force One being built in Europe or anywhere other than the US. Whatever Boeing has to do to retain that contract, it should do but, this is the predictable, logical conclusion when US companies, punished by over-regulation and hamstrung by onerous corporate taxes and labor costs, are forced to compete with foreign companies who have streamlined operations and government cooperation.
Manufacturing jobs are leaving the US in droves because it's just too expensive to do business here. We are becoming a nation of consumers rather than a nation of creators and builders.
The fraud, waste, and abuse that riddles every government manufacturing contract has got to stop and the whole process streamlined. Boeing is partly to blame for their own predicament in this area. It can control it's costs better. That said, the government should get out of the way and with minimal interference through regulations and taxation, allow American companies do what they do best, make things.
Hopefully Boeing will win the bidding process, because it would be quite embarrassing to have the Presidential fleet made in Europe.
The view from across the pond
Bill O'Reilly kisses The One's butt
Excuse me! The One is about to spend $1Trillion on an unprovable scheme to create temporary government-infrastructure jobs, and now isn't the time to second guess him? Are you kidding me? This is precisely the time to second guess him! Bill O'Reilly is an ass-kissing, Obama tool and a craven populist. What's good for most of the people isn't necessarily consistent with what's right or Constitutional. But BO'R is in favor of whatever makes the most people happy and makes him liked by everybody. I'm sure he'll stop by The View next where those brainless, shrill harpies will praise him for supporting their messiah.
What a tool!
Who died and made you the authority?

I'd like to know what kind of pompous ass grows up wanting to become a critic? Fashion, food, music, art, cinema, literature...the quality, and therefor the popularity, of all these things is entirely subjective. (For those of you who attended dreadful public schools, subjective means defined by personal choice, existing in one's mind).
I've always suspected that people who grow up to become culture critics were talentless, unathletic only-children whose overly critical parents reminded them constantly what soul-crushing disappointments they were as offspring. The resulting superiority complex combined with an aching desire to be meaningful, makes them think they are the final word on whether somebody's dress is OK or not?
There's a reason why "critic" comes so close to "Chlamydia" and "crabs" in the dictionary.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Change for the worse

Until last week, Carol M. Browner, President-elect Barack Obama's pick as global warming czar, was listed as one of 14 leaders of a socialist group's Commission for a Sustainable World Society, which calls for "global governance" and says rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change.
By Thursday, Mrs. Browner's name and biography had been removed from Socialist International's Web page, though a photo of her speaking June 30 to the group's congress in Greece was still available.
Socialist International, an umbrella group for many of the world's social democratic political parties such as Britain's Labor Party, says it supports socialism and is harshly critical of U.S. policies.
Of course no one in the MSM will bother to ask about this since they mostly want a diminished, weakend US too. That Obama would proudly appoint an avowed socialist, bent on the subjugation of US interests to those of a one-world government, is breathtaking!
This is the tip of the iceberg folks. With the world rooting for him and the media wearing his rear-end like a hat, there's no telling how far toward socialist policies he'll drag the country.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Computers now cause global warming
Performing two Google searches from a desktop computer can generate about the same amount of carbon dioxide as boiling a kettle for a cup of tea, according to new research.
While millions of people tap into Google without considering the environment, a typical search generates about 7g of CO2 Boiling a kettle generates about 15g.
Google is secretive about its energy consumption and carbon footprint. It also refuses to divulge the locations of its data centres. However, with more than 200m internet searches estimated globally daily, the electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions caused by computers and the internet is provoking concern.
Let's forget for a minute that CO2 is not a pollutant....after all, plants eat it, or that global warming is a myth. This isn't about the environment. This is about a sinister attempt by environmentalists--aka anti-capitalists, to tax computer use. They'll insist on a search tax that'll be invested, by the government of course, in some nutty tree-planting program or windmill factories or something equally idiotic, in order to offset the eco damage caused by you using your computer.
When are you people going to wake up? It's not about the environment at all. These former, radical hippies loathe capitalism, human progress, and technology. They also hate that there are people who have wealth they don't have, and they use the environment to tax yours away from you.

As always with subversive, environmentalist whack-jobs, the innovations that make life pleasent for humans turns out to be destructive of the environment.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Everybody else is doing it, why not Hustler?

Girls Gone Wild CEO Joe Francis and “Hustler” magazine publisher Larry Flynt have said they will petition Congress for financial aid along the lines of what the Big Three auto makers are getting.
Francis said that he and Flynt are asking for $5 billion, and that they have sent letters to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Congress and their local Congressman, Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) with the proposal.
Francis said in an interview with FOX Business. "We will use the money wisely, and we will create more jobs."
Francis said that if invited, he and Flynt would drive across the country in a hybrid vehicle to present their plans to Congress.
Francis said he and Flynt would also be willing to discuss the possibility of the government buying equity stakes in their companies, as was done with financial firms.
"If the government would like to be a partner with Mr. Flynt and I, we’re certainly amenable to it," he said.
New Feature on TRR
In case you haven't noticed, I put a new feature on the site. At the bottom right, you'll find a window that says "People who read TRR". It would be interesting to me, and maybe other readers, to see who's visiting regularly. All you have to do is create an ID in Blogger. It's super easy and takes like 3 minutes. Just click on the orange "e" at the upper left of this page and it'll take you through it. You can use a picture of yourself or any image you like as your avatar. If you'd rather follow anonymously, click on the window and choose the anonymous radio button.
Thanks, the management
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Zac Brown Band.....shameless plug

Just a reminder for all you Zac Brown Band fans out there: the band will be the featured musical artist on the Jimmy Kimmel show Friday night, the 9th of January. That's tomorrow night for those of you who can't read a calendar because you were educated in government schools. It comes on ABC at 11:30 CST.
My brother-in-law is the drummer(far right). Head on over to their website and check out the stuff.
Here's a video from their gig at the House of Blues....
Government education......FAIL!
Chicago public school bureaucrats skirted competitive bidding rules to buy 30 cappuccino/espresso machines for $67,000, with most of the machines going unused because the schools they were ordered for had not asked for them, according to a report by the CPS Office of Inspector General.
That was just one example of questionable CPS actions detailed in the inspector general's 2008 annual report. Others included high school staffers changing grades to pump up transcripts of student athletes and workers at a restricted-enrollment grade school falsifying addresses to get relatives admitted.
In most school districts, there are at least as many useless, pointy-headed administrators as there are teachers and principles. And there's very little oversight over what they spend. This is where all the tax money goes.....enriching the lives of idle, corrupt administrators rather than updating the computer labs, recruiting better teachers, or investing in better textbooks.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Obama acting conservative.....sort of

I'll believe this when I see it....
WASHINGTON - President-elect Barack Obama vowed Tuesday to bar lawmakers' pet projects from his massive economic stimulus plan and to bring unprecedented accountability to federal spending.
Two weeks before taking office, Obama said Americans will accept his proposed stimulus plan — expected to cost about $775 billion — only if they believe the money is being used wisely to boost the troubled economy and to make smart long-term investments in public projects.
He told reporters at his transition office that his package will set a "new higher standard of accountability, transparency and oversight. We are going to ban all earmarks, the process by which individual members insert projects without review."
Despite my philosophical objections to government stimulus packages in general(I mean why not just cut our taxes?), this is probably going to happen since bailouts and stimulus checks have suddenly become en vogue and we helpless taxpayers have our hands out. That said, if Obama can restrain congress from earmarking billions of our tax dollars for their pet, vote-buying schemes back home, then he will have accomplished more than Bush ever did....pass a spending bill without pork attached. I doubt his first highway bill will be pork-free but it's a start.
Dance Band on the Titanic

A great man with agreat philosphy of life. I knda think the whore house analogy is a bit apropo!!
By the way... any thoughts on where I got the title ?