Posted by ReidWell after careful thought I have finally figured out who is to become the biggest loser in all of the Tiger Woods fiasco, and it appears to be NIKE. In an unprecedented global marketing debacle, Tiger and his numerous extra marital liaisons have managed to ruin a long running and highly successful marketing slogan. How can Nike continue to use these words without some type of specificity.
The campaign has been simple and straightforward. Easy to fit into any and all sports arenas, and has captured the market of the youth and young adults of today. The ad department at Nike transformed the company from a sports shoe outfitter to an overt apparel outfitter on the back of great athletes (Tiger being one of them) with good public persona's and by marketing their clothing line straight at the youngsters. This seems to be shot as we speak.
People (friends) are coming to Tigers aid, but with little or no effect on the landslide of the public disdain for his actions.
Steve, Tigers caddy, comes on the radio and states that this issue should be private and left alone, then quickly changes sides and throws in for his wife that he would never do the same things.
There is nothing about Tigers cheating on his wife that is okay, lets be clear on that. He made a VOW, a promise, to be faithful to her. He agreed to love, honor and cherish her 'til death does them part (which may be soon for him if she gets the 2 iron again). He violated that trust and may never regain it. That's back to where Nike has to examine their relationship with him and decide their future path. Do they support and uphold a relationship that has been good for both sides for years, or do the cut ties and run?
The only way I see out of this marketing debacle is to sever ties, at least for the short run, and to find a new slogan. Either that or start making condoms with the swoosh. Either way there are seemingly dark days ahead for Nike.