Some misguided readers of this blog have accused me of being a mindless, neo-conservative, Bush-bot. Rather than arguing, yet again, with the usual points, I offer this ridiculous and telling statement from Karl Rove as illustrative of why I can't stomach Bush, Rove, neo-conservatism, and the idiotic idea of compassionate conservatism...
According to a congressman's wife who attended a Republican women's luncheon yesterday, Karl Rove explained the rationale behind the president's amnesty/open-borders proposal this way: "I don't want my 17-year-old son to have to pick tomatoes or make beds in Las Vegas."Thanks a lot Karl. In one stupid statement, you've validated Bush's phony idea that there are jobs that Americans won't do, and confirmed to liberals that conservatives are all rich, white snobs like you. Of course nobody aspires for their children to make careers of tomato picking or Vegas bed-making but, the idea that
any honest job is beneath
any American flies in the face of everything that made this country the greatest Republic on Earth...hard, honest work, responsibility, diligence, pride in effort, character and value in manual labor.
I've tried to instill in my kids that even honest employment refilling condom machines at the interstate truckstop is preferable to sitting on one's butt, receiving checks from the government.
There is nothing shameful about working for a wage, I don't care what you are doing. There is only shame in shiftless loafing. All jobs have value to those who perform them, no matter how unpleasant or beneath us they seem.
Rove's snooty statement infuriates me, and it clarifies the differences between the current crop of elitist-minded Republicans and my own ideals. It also demonstrates why the Bush administration will not defend this country against foreign invaders...they and their silver-spoon, lucky sperm-club offspring are too good to pick tomatoes or work in a domestic capacity...UNBELIEVABLE!
Unless one of the current pack of elitist, mainstream Republicans separates himself by promising to close the southern border, I will certainly vote Libertarian or not vote for President at all.
Hat tip to