I'm getting sick and tired of government busy-bodies meddling in the free market under the guise of public health...especially when there's something much more sinister afoot...
NEW YORK - Three years after the city banned smoking in restaurants, health officials are talking about prohibiting something they say is almost as bad: artificial trans fatty acids.
The city health department unveiled a proposal Tuesday that would bar cooks at any of the city’s 24,600 food service establishments from using ingredients that contain the artery-clogging substance, commonly listed on food labels as partially hydrogenated oil.
Look, I'm all in favor of mandatory truth-in-labelling laws that apply to the food industry. Otherwise consumers cannot make informed decisions about what they are eating and feeding their families. But as long as the ingredients are clearly stated, shouldn't this be a personal choice issue rather than a public health issue? The free market can make the decision about trans fats very efficiently and quickly, much easier than the government can. If people don't want to eat food prepared with trans fats at a particular eatery, they will eat elsewhere. That economic pressure will compel that restaurant owner to offer foods not prepared with trans fats, or he will risk losing business. Seriously, it's that simple...as are most things that are subject to the pressures of the free market.
It's already happening as food providers sense a change in market pressures from consumers concerned about fat intake...
A few companies have moved to eliminate trans fats on their own.
Wendy’s announced in August that it had switched to a new cooking oil that contains no trans fatty acids. Crisco now sells a shortening that contains zero trans fats. Frito-Lay removed trans fats from its Doritos and Cheetos. Kraft’s took trans fats out of Oreos.
McDonald’s began using a trans fat-free cooking oil in Denmark after that country banned artificial trans fats in processed food, but it has yet to do so in the United States.
See? We don't need the government meddlers toying with the market. It's just another infuriating example of their intrusion into the lives of law-abiding Americans under the pretense of looking out for our health when it's really about something different entirely.
My prediction: There will not be a complete ban on trans fats. Instead there will be a government tax on the use of trans fats. The more trans fats you use at your restaurant, the higher tax you will owe to your benevolent, loving government. The lying, hand-wringing bureaucrats will assure us that the tax will punish the trans-fat abusers and help offset the cost of healthcare for heart patients. What they won't tell you is that the trans fat tax money, just like the tobacco settlement money, will go into the congressional general fund to be spent buying votes for incumbents. Not a penny will be spent on heart health any more than a penny of tobacco money was spent on prevention programs. WAKE UP ----IT'S JUST ANOTHER MONEY GRAB!!!
I saw this coming years ago. The government leeches got everything they could out of the tobacco companies, they have taxed the petroleum industry at criminal levels, and now they're wondering whose treasure they can raid now. WalMart is up next, but for now it's fast food.
Here's how it will go down...it's already started: They'll demonize the fast food industry as evil, profit-mongering, white men who got undeservedly rich by poisoning ordinary, working families with trans fats. Stupid, idiot Americans will dutifully nod like morons as the government seizes fast-food profits in the name of public health. What brain-dead, reality-TV-addicted, government school "educated" Americans don't realize is that their BigMac will cost an additional quarter from now on, and it's them who will be paying the fat tax...not McDonald's. The federal government regularly uses this lying scheme to take more and more of our money away from us and we stand there like total, stupid morons, nodding like bobble-head dolls, and then thank the government for taking care of us as we willingly hand over our wallets. WAKE UP!!!