The final report on Sandy "the Burgler" Berger came out yesterday. His efforts to shield the Clintons from blame and criticism for their lack of action that could have prevented 9/11 resulted in a $50,000 fine(obviously the Clintons paid this for him as hush money),
300 hours of community service, and astonishingly, the loss of his top-secret security pass for 3 short years. This guy stole documents pertaining to international terrorists from the national archives in his socks, underwear(yuck), and pants legs. If this had been a Republican National Security Advisor trying to protect George Bush, the national media would be screaming impeachment, treason, and demanding imprisonment from the roof-tops. But remember, it's Bill Clinton, there's a whole different template for dealing with Democrats...it's called complicity.

-- Monica Lewinsky is back in the news today and it has nothing to do with Bill Clinton, thankfully. It seems she has graduated from the London School of Economics. Good for her. Hopefully she can finally get beyond the Philanderer-in-Chief and enjoy a promising career, leaving behind Bill Clinton as just an embarassing footnote to her life.
-- "Mohammad" or the alternate spelling "Mahammad" has quietly moved up to number 22 on the list of most popular boys names in the UK and Wales. If this isn't the canary in the coal mine for the islamification of Europe, I don't know what is.
-- The next time you hear George Bush, some other politician, or pro-illegal-alien activist carp about' "illegals doing jobs Americans won't do", remember this and know they are lying to you.
Hundreds of legal Americans lined up outside the Swift&Co. meat-packing plant to fill job vacancies left by the hundreds of illegal aliens that were swept up in the ICE raid last week. It turns out that Americans will do the so-called hard labor jobs that Bush tells us they won't do, just not at the low wages the illegal Mexicans will do them for.
"But Ed" you whine, "the prices we pay for those goods and services are lower because the labor costs of employing illegals is lower than for American workers."
Silly, economically ignorant reader, the bacon might be a little bit cheaper but we more than pay for the illegals in other ways like, social services, education benefits, medical care, cheap housing that is unavailable to needy Americans, crime, prison over-crowding, the dumbing down of the public school curriculum to accomodate non-English speakers...the list of unseen costs of illegal aliens goes on and on and on. If you ask me, I'd rather pay a few pennies more for my bologna and ground chuck than have emergency rooms close because the illegals use them as primary medical care, my children get sub-standard education, and billions of dollars are sent to Mexico and not spent in the local economies where they are earned.

-- Well, what do you know? Who would have guessed the champion of the common man, the defender of the world's poorest souls, would illegally maintain a rent-controlled apartment for 10 years for his wealthy family member and ambassador, and in doing so, deprive a deserving poor family of inexpensive housing?
I'll tell you who would have guessed. I would have guessed, that's who. Why wouldn't you suspect the leader of the most corrupt, incompetent collection of despotic, self-serving reprobates in all the world, of bilking the American taxpayer for 10 years for his personal gain? He's been doing just that at the expense of millions of poor people all over the world as head of the disastrous United Nations.