“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Parenting 101...what not to do

Melanie Griffith and her 16 year old daughter, Dakota, from her marriage to Don Johnson, sharing some mother/daughter bonding time...real classy with the tattoo and all. She looks like a bus-stop hooker who is taking under her wing a homeless runaway from Paduka. Only in Hollywood does illegally introducing to your child a deadly, life-long vice count as quality parenting time. Maybe in a few years they can get a family discount on chemotherapy for their lung cancers. Excellent role model there Mel.!

I've goofed on Britney for her lack of parenting skills but this goes way beyond incompetence. At least Britney seems to genuinely care about her kids, she's just clueless as to how to go about it. I'd rather take my chances with Britney's ignorance, than have Melanie Griffith intentionally corrupt my kid. The legal smoking age is 18 in California. Mel is guilty of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Where is California DFACS when they're needed?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

By the way: Doesn't Mel look pretty good for a chick who is almost 50. Take out the cig and she's lookin Hot. If she's stupid, then all the better. She might try to get me drunk and teach me a few things. I'm only 18 as well.

Anonymous said...

She only looks hot from a distance.

Anonymous said...

At 50 from a distance is okay, but you might need to clean your bifocals there GlenCC.

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Anonymous said...

"By the way: Doesn't Mel look pretty good for a chick who is almost 50..."

Oh yeah, she's hot! Her breath has that smoky scent and her teeth are a lovely brown like fried chicken. Beautiful pasty skin sags at her cheeks from all the inhales and her voice has that special hoarse/raspy quality. That is, when she's not coughing up a lung. What's not to like?